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绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 30

It's perfectly appalling to think of being twenty, Marilla.


Did he suddenly find himself confronted by the appalling suspicion that he was married, not for a few months or a year, but for good and all to a woman he did not love and who had foisted herself upon him by some trick or lie?


Every little while some giant tree yielded the fight and fell crashing through the younger growth; and the unflagging thunderpeals came now in ear-splitting explosive bursts, keen and sharp, and unspeakably appalling.


His courage was almost appalling.


Pence's speech perpetuated Trump's consistently contradictory approach to dealings with China: on the one hand, he wants to build a close friendship with China's leader, but, on the other, he has no qualms about criticizing China's foreign policies and portraying China's domestic economic and social policies as appalling conspiracies.

乔布斯传 第112期:现实扭曲力场(6)

" Jobs found that approach to be morally appalling, and he spent days making fun of Osborne.


The revelations of the past few months — and the stories of victims who faded away — is further appalling proof of the extent of these biases.


The appalling attempt to park was caught on CCTV, and shows a second woman fail just as badly as her friend when trying to complete the task.


Suddenly, only about the length of a cricket pitch from their port side, an appalling head reared itself out of the sea.


An appalling loneliness came over him.


Then she made a dash for the cabin door and got in and shut out for a moment the appalling sight of the speed with which they were rushing into the dark, but not of course the horrible confusion of creakings, groanings, snappings, clatterings, roarings and boomings which only sounded more alarming below than they had done on the poop.


Personally This is used to emphasize that you are giving your own opinion Personally, I think the CEO should apologize for his appalling behaviour at the shareholders' meeting.


" "What appalling diction," sneered the older student.


Personally This is used to emphasize that you are giving your own opinion Personally, I think the CEO should apologize for his appalling behaviour at the shareholders' meeting.


"The construction is appalling in Kathmandu," Jackson said.


"The Hunger Games" has never been antiwar, and while some object to a fiction in which adults send children to slaughter one another, what's truly appalling is that this isn't a grotesque fantasy but a bitter truth of human civilization.

北大女博士抄袭门 论抄和偷的差异

What they found was appalling – Putin's thesis heavily "borrowed" the content from a textbook written by Professors David I.


So we have come here today to dramatize an appalling condition.


And to not be overly delighted by the mundane is appalling.

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