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Borthrop Trumbull—nothing more than a sincere sense of his own merit, which, he was aware, in case of rivalry might tell against competitors; so that if Peter Featherstone, who so far as he, Trumbull, was concerned, had behaved like as good a soul as ever breathed, should have done anything handsome by him, all he could say was, that he had never fished and fawned, but had advised him to the best of his experience, which now extended over twenty years from the time of his apprenticeship at fifte


This drunken apprenticeship wasn't exactly backstage with the Rolling Stones - our worst crimes probably involved eyeliner and hair gel.


"Although each category has its specific challenges, all are faced with the significant decrease of public funding," explains Frank Bournois, dean of ESCP Europe, referring to cuts in funding from the French Chambers of Commerce and the local apprenticeship tax.


Between the preparation and the work,the apprenticeship and the actual dealing with a task or an art,there comes, in the experience of many young men,a period of uncertainty and wandering which is often misunderstood and counted as time wasted,when it is, in fact, a period rich in full and free development.


He says the pressure to help out the secret police with the skills he learnt on a broken Sinclair ZX81 sent by a relative in the west may ultimately have been irresistible — had the wall not come down six weeks into his apprenticeship.


Though some hold higher degrees, most masons primarily learn through apprenticeship or on the job training.

大学不是所有 并非大家都要上大学

Although the British government has made boosting the apprenticeship system a priority, a report last month from Ofsted, the education inspection service, said that a third of the apprenticeship providers they visited offered substandard training.


You should join an apprenticeship program to learn the necessary skills to acquire this job.

三万元遗产 The $30,000 Bequest(5)

, journeyman plasterer, just out of his apprenticeship.

格林童话英文版:The Two Brothers

When they were grown up, their foster-father one day took them into the forest with him, and said, to-day shall you make your trial shot, so that I may release you from your apprenticeship, and make you huntsmen.

The Wishing-Table, The Gold-Ass, and The Cudgel in the Sack

A good trade, replied the old man, but what have you brought back with you from your apprenticeship.

安徒生童话英文版:What Old Johanne Told

He had served his apprenticeship, and was a handsome but slim youth.

安徒生童话英文版:A Story from the Sand-Hills

The flower bulbs had soon played their part, but he had years of apprenticeship before him.


The second brother of course knew better how to build than poor Margaret, for he served an apprenticeship to learn it.

安徒生童话英文版:Under the Willow-Tree

Knud's thoughts had been daily with Joanna, and now he knew that she also had thought of him; and the nearer the time came for his apprenticeship to end, the clearer did it appear to him that he loved Joanna, and that she must be his wife; and a smile came on his lips at the thought, and at one time he drew the thread so fast as he worked, and pressed his foot so hard against the knee strap, that he ran the awl into his finger; but what did he care for that?

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