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EmailsEmails can be as banal and brief as any text message, but there are plenty of exceptions: long ones penned while abroad, or traveling, mail with attachments, breakup letters, I Miss You letters.


I own artisanal clogs that would befit a Quaker woodsmith, strappy snakeskin stilettos by Louis Vuitton and black-toed Chanel slingbacks that imbue the most banal of outfits with instant chic.


The reasons for going cold after a date range from the banal to the bizarre, with one respondent admitting that he couldn't stop staring at a date's mole, and another saying simply, 'They punched my cat.


On a day-to-day basis at work, do you trumpet every accomplishment, even the most banal?

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Some of Davis's tips are banal to say the least: "If you are working from home, turn off the TV" stands out.


I've dragged my own CD boxes from apartment to apartment for more than a decade, certain that one day I will hire someone to convert them all to MP3, a task so banal and time-consuming the thought of it makes me want to bury myself under the stacks with my friend.


What might seem like a hellish scenario for those still keen on the solitary escapism associated with a traditional movie-going experience is meant to appeal to younger audiences for whom mobile phones have become lifelines and sharing one's every thought — even about something as banal as the air-conditioning in the cinema — has become a way of life.


Most financial-planning advice, like most New Year's resolutions, is too complex or too banal.

英语名人名言:Books 书籍

The word "banal" sometimes rears its by-now banal head; you say "underedited," I say "derivative.

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