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Cadwallader's caustic hint.


The Badger's caustic, not to say brutal, remarks may be imagined, and therefore passed over; but it was painful to the Rat that even the Mole, though he took his friend's side as far as possible, could not help saying, "You've been a bit of a duffer this time, Ratty!


You may not know it by reading the caustic remarks they post under videos, but YouTube commenters are a happy bunch—at least according to their emoji usage.


The Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine issued the documents, which included emission caps for ship engines, motorcycles and hybrid electric cars as well as limits on discharges from caustic soda and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) industries, the MEP said in a statement Tuesday.


How to Identify Them: They are the pathological bullies who harass even the most well-intentioned staff; the combative co-workers everyone has a horror story about; the rebellious employees so caustic, they send their superiors into septic shock.


I experimented for three years before I got just the right quantity of chloride of sodium solution and caustic potash mixture to curdle properly.

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