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怪医杜立德18: SMELLS

"Bricks," he whispered, very low—"old yellow bricks, crumbling with age in a garden-wall; the sweet breath of young cows standing in a mountain-stream; the lead roof of a dove-cote—or perhaps a granary—with the mid-day sun on it; black kid gloves lying in a bureau-drawer of walnut-wood; a dusty road with a horses' drinking-trough beneath the sycamores; little mushrooms bursting through the rotting leaves; and—and—and—" "Any parsnips?


But they keep looking, even if other parts of their lives are crumbling behind them.


It pained me to think I could bring his life crumbling down.


No matter what the things may be, no matter what they are good or no good for, there they are, each with a thrilling unique look and feel of its own, like a face; the iron astringently coop under its paint, the painted wood familiarly warmer, the clod crumbling enchantingly down in the hands, with its little dry smell of the sun and of hot nettles ; each common thing a personality marked by delicious differences.


Bricks are crumbling in places, and the front door is so swollen you have to push hard to get in.


" His story, translated from the Portuguese by Margaret Juli Costa and Robin Patterson, unfolds in a crumbling mansion in Minas Gerais, as the three remaining sons of the fading Meneses family – Valdo, Demetrio and Timoteo – struggle for dominance.


Caged in scaffolding, the beginnings of a fourth wall are just visible at the top but unlike the rest, its edges are jagged and crumbling.


Asked if he believed that Britain's decision showed that the old guard was crumbling quicker than he expected, Mr.


Drone technology could soon become part of our everyday lives, monitoring problems with crumbling infrastructure such as cracks in tarmac, bridges and houses and even repairing them as part of $45.


Under pressure from an influx of refugees, Europe's commitment to open borders appears to be crumbling.


But they keep looking, even if other parts of their lives are crumbling behind them.


White, crumbling ribs of marl protrude and glare and the boats are dry, the pilings dry as matches, Absorbing, rather than being absorbed, the water in the bight doesn't wet anything, the color of the gas flame turned as low as possible.


The minute you have the cookie it starts to crumble or you start to worry about it crumbling or about someone trying to take it away from you.

《纸牌屋3》 繁华终归平淡时

Doug is a distraction from the show's most interesting component – the crumbling relationship between the first lady and the president.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(1)

I remember the precise moment, crouching behind a crumbling mud wall, peeking into the alley near the frozen creek.


More than 10,000 towns and villages in Japan are depopulated, homes and infrastructure crumbling as the countryside empties.


Sweet they press on the old high- road And reach the crumbling city-gate.


In fact, studies show that the more a person uses Facebook the more likely they will be to monitor their partner, which leads to arguments and crumbling relationships.


The walls of academia, and the costs of learning, are crumbling before our eyes and ears.

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