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He was now experiencing something worse than a simple deficit: he was assailed by the vulgar hateful trials of a man who has bought and used a great many things which might have been done without, and which he is unable to pay for, though the demand for payment has become pressing.


A good deal more than a year ago, before anything was known of Lydgate's skill, the judgments on it had naturally been divided, depending on a sense of likelihood, situated perhaps in the pit of the stomach or in the pineal gland, and differing in its verdicts, but not the less valuable as a guide in the total deficit of evidence.


But that present of bank-notes, once made, was measurable, and being applied to the amount of the debt, showed a deficit which had still to be filled up either by Fred's "judgment" or by luck in some other shape.


Research points to ocean warming as playing a key role in the deficit of sea ice around Antarctica since then.


One important note: History has shown that it is generally not a good idea to sell because of your expectations for macroeconomic conditions, such as the national unemployment rate or the government's budget deficit, or because you expect the stock market to decline in the short-term.


The monthly bond issuance plan would only cover part of the deficit, which economists estimate will reach 400bn Saudi riyals this year amid falling revenues and continuing high expenditure on infrastructure projects, public sector wages and the war in Yemen.

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He carried his team by scoring 29 of his 31 points in the second half to help Minnesota overcome an 11-point deficit.


"The opportunity to join the private sector was unexpected, but I've concluded that this is the path through which I will be able to make the largest impact on major global issues like climate change and the infrastructure deficit in emerging markets," Kim said.


The Trump administration pursues the America First policy, and made reducing the trade deficit a prime target.


has a $151 billion trade deficit with the EU ",",1510.


US export controls should take part of the responsibility for the trade deficit.


The Power of Gratitude When my older son was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, my first reaction was relief - I finally knew the reason for his behavior.


"When running a caloric deficit to lose weight, your average trend over a month is important.


After many decades in which Japan ran a large deficit in tourism, it now has a surplus on its travel account, contributing to the country's broader current account surplus.


Last year experts predicted that the world was heading for a 'chocolate deficit' as shoppers in developing countries snapped up more of the sweet treat.


Research has now revealed that poor sleep is linked to difficulty in concentrating, having too much energy and being unable to control behaviour - the main traits of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.


" The union, which represents almost 1 million members, or a fifth of the Finnish population, said the model being tested is, "impossibly expensive, since it would increase the government deficit by about 5 percent" of gross domestic product.


The largest-ever brain imaging study on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has led scientists to say the condition should be considered a neurological disorder, not just a behavioral one.


The treasury secretary did insist though that "the deficit is a problem and the president is concerned about that".


The largest-ever brain imaging study on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has led scientists to say the condition should be considered a neurological disorder, not just a behavioral one.

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