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During his detention he married a Xiongnu woman and with her had a son,but his loyalty to the Han emperor never wavered.


There have been multiple claims of and physical abuse in detention.

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Peters' comments come at a delicate time in trans-Tasman relations, after the detention of a 17-year-old New Zealander in an adult detention facility in Melbourne, Australia, earlier this month that sparked outrage in New Zealand's capital, Wellington.


As I've traveled around, I've sat with children in juvenile detention and opioid addicts, who told me their lives could have turned out differently if they just had something to do, an after school program or somewhere to go.

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He actually got sent to the juvenile detention center, where he spent the night.


As China enhances its efforts to curb air pollution, it often faces resistance from local companies, as the cost of violation, which might include fines and detention in China, is far lower than the cost of compliance.


" Asked about the recent public proposal floated by the Ministry of public Security to lower the detention age to 14, Professor Zhou said this will not solve the problem.


The Ministry of Public Security released a list of proposed revisions to the Law on Penalties for Administrative Detention last month to seek public opinion.


Penalty: Arrest, detention.


School life is reminiscent of wild pranks, homework, and detention.

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Penalty: Arrest, detention.


Ko, whose real name is Ko Chen-tung, was released after a 14-day administrative detention for the drug use, but Chan — who has remained in detention since August — is faced with the more serious criminal charge.


Chan is being held in criminal detention on suspicion of harboring suspected drug users, while Mr.

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