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ientists discovered that during freezing the antioxidants – the carotenoids – become more accessible but they also deteriorate.

从70后开始 每一代智商降7分

Young people's IQ scores have started to deteriorate after climbing steadily since World War Two, a new study has found.


Pinpointing the age at which memory, reasoning and comprehension skills start to deteriorate is important because drugs are most likely to work if given when people first start to experience mental impairment.


A big part of the reason releasing balloons is permitted in so many places is that latex balloons are technically biodegradable — it takes one between six months and four years to break down completely, though they deteriorate in seawater more slowly than they do on land.


Narcissists tend to make great first impressions But those positive impressions deteriorate quickly.


"When you approach it from this place, you take personal responsibility and the relationship has a chance to grow and evolve, rather than deteriorate with resentments.


Pinpointing the age at which memory, reasoning and comprehension skills start to deteriorate is important because drugs are most likely to work if given when people first start to experience mental impairment.


But if you never use your brain, or abuse it with harmful chemicals, your ability to think and learn will deteriorate.


(But deteriorate it will.


The four-stone Indonesia toddler is certainly far too unfit to run around with other children - and his condition is set to rapidly deteriorate.


The enamel of your teeth will deteriorate when starches or sugar mixed with the plaque, thus results to acid formation.


As you age, your health may deteriorate and various troubles in your career and family may gradually emerge.


The core business continued to deteriorate andin 2001 McDonald's announced its first quarterly loss and the resignation of Mr Greenberg.

英语名人名言:Cats 猫

If man could be crossed with cat it would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat.


At 16, he dropped out of school so he could focus on his addiction, and his diet began to deteriorate.


If you let your health deteriorate, your work performance likely will be affected and, thus, your job security.

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