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That is a strong word, but not too strong: it is in these acts called trivialities that the seeds of joy are forever wasted, until men and women look round with haggard faces at the devastation their own waste has made, and say, the earth bears no harvest of sweetness—calling their denial knowledge.


The illegal and unsustainable wildlife trade as well as the devastation of forests and other wild places were still the driving forces behind the increasing number of diseases leaping from wildlife to humans, the leaders told the Guardian.


His awareness of the devastation of the country and the suffering of the common people is the theme of most of his poems, which reached an unprecedented height in portraying real life and political issues.

精品英语文摘:Sunday Promise 周日的约定

(14)We tried humor, but her devastation over the mistake was clear.

A Plate of Peas 一盘豌豆

Oh, devastation!


Lee's lawyers claim that the deal with Camsing went through when the Marvel founder's wife of almost 70 years, Joan Lee, was dying and he was "in a state of total devastation".


" Moving at high speeds brought on by Earth's gravity, a 2 centimeter-wide object is more than enough to shoot right through a metal spacecraft - and leave devastation in its wake.


Loneliness, which Emily Dickinson described as "the Horror not to be surveyed," is a quiet devastation.


Eyewitnesses reported scenes of devastation in Pescara del Tronto.


Oh, devastation!


Devastation, balm, obsession, granting and receiving excessive value, and losting it again.


In extended use, the term has been used to refer to any site of devastation, disaster, or attack.


And then there are those that express devastation and sadness, sent both by those still in relationships, and those whose hearts have been broken by a former lover.


" When production began, he was still paralyzed by the devastation of losing his oldest son, Sage, who had a fatal heart attack in the summer of 2012 at 36.


In the midst of utter devastation and chaos, a father left his wife safely at home and rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, only to discover that the building was as flat as a pancake.


" 'However, the most important factor was witnessing the devastation of people who have misplaced their jewellery or had it stolen.


In the midst of utter devastation and chaos, a father left his wife safely at home and rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, only to discover that the building was as flat as a pancake.


Brazil's Oscar got a notional goal back at 90 minutes but that will have done anything to dampen the devastation felt by the host nation.

Australia Braces for Record Breaking Heat Tsunami

Just a week after declaring 2013 as Australia's hottest ever, officials here are warning this sunburnt nation to brace for worse, with a tsunami of heat expected to wash over almost all parts of Australia by Wednesday, leaving further devastation in its wake.

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