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You'll perhaps think me rather inclined to become so," he added, making an effort to smile, "if I try to describe the thousand forms of past associations and ideas he awakens or embodies.


But it seems that the former embodies a person's independence, while the latter reflects the lack of assertiveness.


According to a press release, the #SeeHer Award recognizes a woman who embodies the values set forth by the #SeeHer movement (an initiative first launched in early 2016 by the ANA's Alliance for Family Entertainment), "to push boundaries on changing stereotypes and recognize the importance of accurately portraying women across the entertainment landscape.


But it seems that the former embodies a person's independence, while the latter reflects the lack of assertiveness.


There are other responses like these, but some variation of these statements embodies the typical responses I hear from most people.


" "The animal kingdom is broad, and everyone can identify with a specific animal they think embodies their own personalities and characteristics," Stormy Simon, president of Overstock, tells Business Insider.


Mr Buffett embodies his belief in food brands.


Therefore, this unique Chinese knots artwork has been a popular gift for thousands of years and embodies best wishes.


In the world cultural history,this cultural phenomenon has never been known in other countries and regions,and embodies a distinctive national character.

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And his personal narrative — Bronx boy made good — pretty much embodies the American dream.


She's the one who embodies, articulates and justifies the battle and breaks collective chains, even as she's being folded into District 13's militaristic operation.

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