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I found I was quite good at it, my work ethic carried over from being a chef and I consumed more overtime than is legally allowable in the UK.


And, your strong work ethic doesn't hurt either.


According to a handful of studies, a name not only reveals clues about a person`s class, education and ethic origin, it can also influence the bearer of the moniker and the choices they make in life.


A man who has a strong work ethic and who has a clear goal will succeed no matter what.


Which hypothetical resume offers a more convincing case for a candidate's work ethic or motivation: one from a recent college graduate who majored in computer science, or that of a self-taught coder who acquired those same skills while also managing full-time employment?


Belle Robinson, who cofounded the brand with John Robinson, dished about Kate's work ethic and already-royal composure during a 2008 interview with the Evening Standard.

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" It was an expression of the hacker ethic that information should be free and all authority mistrusted.


Even with your loss, I was blown away by your work ethic this week.


Some said 'marrying well' should not mean finding a rich man but rather a partner who is 'kind and clever with a strong work ethic' while others warned it was 'idealistic' to think all women can be financially independent.


Sometimes it helps to start with an internship or commission job just to get your foot in the door and then work on making a name for yourself by your work ethic and results.


The Taurus will admire their partner's work ethic, strong ambition, and hilarious nature while the Capricorn will be grateful for the other's sensible nature.


Speed up your workflow Take the Navy Seal ethic to heart: Slow Is Smooth and Smooth Is Fast :,.

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"Google is built on the hacker ethic and they have put principle above profits in some aspects," he said.


And when they ask me where I got my drive, my work ethic, my good hair, and my sense of humor, I say you as well.

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Mr Bryant who was known for his strong work ethic in basketball said, similar skills are needed for sport and growing a business.

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Those who didn't were "punished accordingly", marketing manager Zhao Ruxin tells the paper, adding that it was done to improve the work ethic of younger staff.


I get to hang with great people with excellent work ethic.


IQ and work ethic are important, but they don't tell the whole story.


But it's imperative that you put just as much thought into what you ask as you do your responses to their questions, because your queries may reflect your knowledge of the company, your work ethic, your level of professionalism, and your interest in the role.

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