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In the 20th century, Yue has been extolled as a champion of national resistance in the face of foreign domination.


"Osborn repeatedly extolled the virtues of solitude, of time spent far from the distractions of others, as part of his own creative process," Lila MacLellan from Quartz has noted.


Its virtues have also been extolled by celebrities and so-called health experts for a number of reasons.

乔布斯传 第116期:设计--大道至简(3)

For example, he extolled the desktop metaphor he was creating for the Macintosh.

乔布斯传 第32期:非里德学院不读(3)

Another book that deeply influenced Jobs during his freshman year was Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappé, which extolled the personal and planetary benefits of vegetarianism.


A recording on the company's office phone extolled its qualifications, adding: "That's why we were Prime Minister David Cameron's choice when he first moved into No.


Valérie Pécresse, the president of the region that surrounds Paris, has extolled the city's virtues, noting the opening of new bilingual schools as well as its quality of life and available office space.


Whenever I have met executives in the past year, at companies ranging from Rio Tinto to Levi Strauss to Syngenta, they have extolled the benefits of using digitisation to boost "productivity".


This was extolled as a virtue, or a sign of nostalgia, in the series.

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