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Super Miracle Happy, the fictitious black company that 30 "lucky" applicants will have the chance to work for during The Black Holiday, is actually made up of a group of Japanese actors who will do their best to replicate the working environment of real black companies.

日本劳动节变“黑色假日” 让你体验给坏老板打工是什么感觉

Super Miracle Happy, the fictitious black company that 30 "lucky" applicants will have the chance to work for during The Black Holiday, is actually made up of a group of Japanese actors who will do their best to replicate the working environment of real black companies.

这幅画卖出300万天价 但它的创作者却“不是人”

The creepy-looking painting of a fictitious man in a dark frockcoat left the auction block at Christie's for a whopping $432,500 on Oct.


University of Oregon and University of Cincinnati gave shoppers a fictitious logo with a color of a known brand.


Mr Johnson wants to liberate the UK from an often fictitious web of European regulations.


Alibaba calls these estimates "baseless", saying: "We take a prudent approach in the calculation of our GMV, which is scrubbed of fictitious transactions and transactions over certain amount.


Here you save all these fictitious people, and you can't even save your son.


University of Oregon and University of Cincinnati gave shoppers a fictitious logo with a color of a known brand.

忙得来不及思考 你可能得了匆忙病

Jolly knows one executive who invented a fictitious client named Mr.

三万元遗产 The $30,000 Bequest(6)

It were a weariness to follow in detail the leaps and bounds the Foster fictitious finances took from this time forth.


Her fictitious nature was of great assistance to her.

英语名人名言: Opinions 观点

Mark Twain (1835 - 1910), quoted in Mark Twain and I, Opie Read, 1940 Sane and intelligent human beings are like all other human beings, and carefully and cautiously and diligently conceal their private real opinions from the world and give out fictitious ones in their stead for general consumption.


As reported by CTV News, the woman (whose identity is being withheld for privacy as she undergoes psychiatric care) had kept the fictitious pregnancy story going for months and was only exposed when her delivery date arrived.

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