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迷人四月天:Chapter 5

They felt the grass flicking wet against their stockings, and the invisible flowers were everywhere.


After flicking on a switch, the table slowly tilted backwards until his head was fitted into the tank.


A video of the device was shared by notorious leaker Evan Blass on social media, showing a person flicking through apps before folding it up.


Another key symptom is repetitive movements, such as flapping hands, rocking back and forth, or flicking fingers.


So for the next few speeches I printed out any notes in 24 point so I could read them without glasses, and have now cut my hair so short there is no further danger of flicking.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(210)

Anytime now," I said, my eyes flicking from Sohrab to our kite.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(189)

"Tell me your story," he repeated, crushing a flake of ash on the neatly arranged desk with his index finger, flicking it into the trash can.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(127)

"He's from America," he said to Wahid, flicking his thumb toward me.


Obtaining or renewing a passport can be a complicated process, but there are few things more enjoyable than flicking through it and seeing stamps from around the world.

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