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The imp in the back of her mind laughed.


A stout, short, pudgy man, with a broad, rubicund, good-humoured face—a clean-shaven face, though an unparalysed little imp at the back of Valancy's paralysed mind suggested the thought, "Such a face should have a fringe of white whisker around it.

冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第66期:第五章 琼恩 (3)

The Lion and the Imp; there was no mistaking which was which.

冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第51期:第四章 艾德 (1)

The tall boy beside him could only be the crown prince, and that stunted little man behind them was surely the Imp, Tyrion Lannister.


"A heart of gold" "The king's a bawcock, and a heart of gold, A lad of life, an imp of fame; Of parents good, of fist most valiant.


He was past sixty and had a Michael Angelo's Moses beard curling down from the head of a satyr along with the body of an imp.

格林童话英文版:Strong Hans

Be off, you sneaking imp, he answered, you need no meat.


You little imp, how will you help us, they said.

安徒生童话英文版:Lucky Peer

Then there came a woman, who was the most beautiful of all, with a gold helmet and spear; she looked out over all the others and sat between an angel and an imp.

安徒生童话英文版:Danish Popular Legends

Yet it was rumored abroad, and her respect among the country-people was lost, and she was known as a "Trold barn" (an imp child).

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