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Inhaling the chemicals contained in home detergents increases the risk of developing asthma by up to 43%.


Per NBC News, it's unclear what type of e-cigarette devices the people were using, what they were inhaling, and where they purchased the devices or e-liquids in the first place.


Inhaling microplastics in the air is by far the largest contributor—people ingest roughly 80% of the microplastics that enters their bodies through this route.


For example, authorities in Hangzhou City in east China's Zhejiang Province have included inhaling or exhaling vapor as smoking.

减肥运动相关口语表达 第47期:当心你一时的冲动

A good technique for counteracting an urge is to count to 10 while slowly inhaling and exhaling deeply,imagining the impulse passing by as quickly as it came.


Be wary if you have asthma, as inhaling steam may constrict your airways, cautions Norman Edelman, MD, chief scientific officer for the American Lung Association.


They analysed how people are affected by inhaling smoke from another person's clothing, hair, home, or car.


The wrinkles this causes are added to by facial expressions made when smoking — such as pursing the lips when inhaling or squinting to keep smoke out of your eyes.


The research team analyzed how people were affected by inhaling smoke from another person's clothing, hair, home, or car.

印尼警方烧毁大麻 燃烧烟雾却致全镇人误吸

5 miles west of the capital Jakarta, reported suffering from headaches and dizziness after inhaling the tangy smoke given off by the bonfire.


YOU EAT LIKE SPEEDY GONZALES Scarfers beware: Inhaling your food can give you a physique that looks more station wagon than Ferrari.


People who exercise in polluted areas are thought to put themselves at increased risk, because they take deeper breaths, inhaling more of the toxic pollution and particles that do such damage.


"How good it was to be alive," I thought, inhaling deep lungfulof carbon monoxide.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(200)

My throat aches and my eyes sting with sweat, each breath is like inhaling fire, and I think I am weeping.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(146)

Now, by the time I reached the top of the craggy hill, each ragged breath felt like inhaling fire.


On top of that,deeply inhaling cold air can alter the temperature of the blood in our head.


Sigh to Elevate Your Degree of Involvement , Inhaling slowly and exhaling deeply with some force or Sighing comes naturally to most of us.

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-IV

Bright and joyous were his feelings as he stepped lightly onwards, inhaling the invigorating mountain air.

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