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" He replied in a jargon I did not comprehend.


You want to avoid jargon and buzzwords and use clear words.


Although ditching the stale cover letter jargon is a good thing, your cover letter doesn't need to break new creative ground, either.


They suffer the indignity of having to explain themselves — and their new name — long after the marketing department has packed away the jargon and the branded freebies.


The ratio between the ring and index fingers, known in scientists' jargon as 2D and 4D, can reveal the levels of testosterone someone was exposed to in the womb.


The jargon is a bit sickening, but this probably reflects a sensible effort by the company to broaden its offerings with revenue from iPhones falling.


In third place is the use of jargon and clichés, such as 'thinking outside the box' and stating perfectionism as your weakness.


Define unfamiliar technical terms and avoid needless jargon.


Barrage, geek culture and ACG (animation, comic and game) – behind this jargon beats the pulse of the newest generation of youths.

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" Decoding the jargon: Millions of people around the world now pay for virtual private computer networks — a security method that uses encryption to hide Internet traffic — and similar services to hook into a server in the United States.


"The team doesn't have a plus background, which is a good thing," said Mariah Chase, the company's chief executive, using industry jargon to refer to the plus-size niche.


People who are leery of intimate relationships — "avoidant," in psychological jargon — seem to reap relatively small benefits from nostalgia compared with people who crave closeness.


They do their research, they're more cautious and they're not too proud to speak up when they don't understand financial jargon or need advice.

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