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The settlers, wishing to return to the Chimneys by the shortest way, descended towards the angle formed on the south by the junction of the lake's bank.


At Stacklepoole Junction she parted from them with warm expressions of mutual regard.


By-and-by the procession went filing down the steep descent of the main avenue, the flickering rank of lights dimly revealing the lofty walls of rock almost to their point of junction sixty feet overhead.


People who remember their dreams also have higher activity in the temporoparietal junction, a part of the brain that processes information and emotions.


The fountain at the junction of three roads (tre vie) marks the terminal point of the "modern" Acqua Vergine, the revived Aqua Virgo, one of the aqueducts that supplied water to ancient Rome.


A Chinese lady was seen photographed carrying an umbrella and holding it for a Sikh uncle at a junction, in a photo shared by Facebook user Jonathan Vendi Saturday (Dec 8) on the 50 Shades Brighter (Singapore) Facebook group.


If you make the junction too flat, it is thought to purport poverty.

人工智能遇上交通灯 交通堵塞或成历史

Milton Keynes is set to be the first city to trial the £3 million project from September, with 2,500 sensors monitoring all major junction points and car parking spaces.


The clip posted by Pear Video on Chinese social media on April 8 showed a woman playing on her phone as she waited by a traffic junction in Longgang district.


Oxford Circus The oldest sense of circus is 'a large building, surrounded with rising tiers of seats, for the exhibition of public spectacles'but, in this instance, it is simply a 'circular open space at a street junction'.


The two-minute time-lapse video recorded workers replacing the Sanyuanqiao cloverleaf junction.


The planning of the junction is based upon directives set out by The Research Institute for Street Transportation.


Yu Oen of Princeton Junction, N.

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