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But he rode home with a terribly lucid vision of the difficulty there would be in arranging any result that could be permanently counted on with this man.


"I am wakeful: my mind is remarkably lucid.

迷人四月天:Chapter 21

He did for one brief instant, for even in moments of love there are brief instants of lucid thought, recognise the immense power of the woman present and being actually held compared to that of the woman, however beautiful, who is somewhere else, but that is as far as he got towards remembering Scrap; no farther.


In a lucid interval, Huck feebly led up to the subject of taverns, and finally asked—dimly dreading the worst—if anything had been discovered at the Temperance Tavern since he had been ill.


Women who appeared quick-witted and lucid, on the other hand, were found less physically attractive.


Allie, a dementia sufferer, is gripped by the tale - told in flashback with Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams as their younger selves - and has a brief lucid moment where she realises the story is about her and her husband.

万物简史 第7期:引言(7)

"I now know that there is a happy abundance of science writers who pen the most lucid and thrilling prose.


In fact, for more and more of us, it is becoming a reality, with the number of people experiencing lucid dreams rising rapidly.


The World Bank's chief economist ordered his staff to write more clearly, shut them up whenever they banged on interminably in presentations, and insisted all reports were short and lucid.


and invests in another automotive start-up in the US, Lucid Motors (formerly known as Atieva).


The most promising research is at Kyoto University on mice, explained by Ed Yong, in a lucid 2013 National Geographic blog.


You have no problem giving a lucid presentation, delivering an eloquent speech or participating in a political debate.

英语名人名言: Stupidity 愚蠢

Harlan Ellison (1934 - ) Ordinarily he was insane, but he had lucid moments when he was merely stupid.

英语名人名言: Sanity 明智

George Price Ordinarily he was insane, but he had lucid moments when he was merely stupid.


My husband is a lucid speaker.


People who play video games often are much more likely to have lucid dreams than non-gamers.

安徒生童话英文版:The Great Sea-Serpent

It grows in might and in length, grows year by year through all seas, round the world, beneath the stormy waves and the lucid waters, where the skipper looks down as if he sailed through the transparent air, and sees the swarming fish, brilliant fireworks of color.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw-Eighth Evening

When Romeo climbed the balcony, and the promise of true love fluttered like a cherub toward heaven, the round Moon hung, half hidden among the dark cypresses, in the lucid air.

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