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For in the multitude of middle-aged men who go about their vocations in a daily course determined for them much in the same way as the tie of their cravats, there is always a good number who once meant to shape their own deeds and alter the world a little.


Brooke's failure to elicit a companion's ideas, or from Celia's criticism of a middle-aged scholar's personal appearance.


Tucker was the middle-aged curate, one of the "inferior clergy," who are usually not wanting in sons.


Brooke to be all the more blamed in neighboring families for not securing some middle-aged lady as guide and companion to his nieces.


When Bobbie sneezed, the rat was quite shocked and hurried away, for he saw that a hay-loft where such things could happen was no place for a respectable middle-aged rat that liked a quiet life.


" I saw a middle-aged Frenchman with a big black beard, streaked with gray, a sunburned face, and large, shining eyes.


It must be remembered that I was very young, and I looked upon him as a middle-aged man.

迷人四月天:Chapter 22

"I suppose," whispered Lotty, "Rose's husband seems to you just an ordinary, good-natured, middle-aged man.

迷人四月天:Chapter 21

No need now to be ashamed of his figure, and to make jokes about it so as to forestall other people's and show he didn't mind it; no need now to be ashamed of getting hot going up hills, or to torment himself with pictures of how he probably appeared to beautiful young women—how middle-aged, how absurd in his inability to keep away from them.


The spring was abroad in the land and Marilla's sober, middle-aged step was lighter and swifter because of its deep, primal gladness.


Miss Rogerson was a middle-aged lady who had taught a Sunday-school class for twenty years.


He was a middle-aged man, wearing spectacles and a brown beard trimmed to a careful point.


I'm really quite a middle-aged dog.


A good part of the whispering had been occasioned by an event which was more or less rare—the entrance of visitors: lawyer Thatcher, accompanied by a very feeble and aged man; a fine, portly, middle-aged gentleman with iron-gray hair; and a dignified lady who was doubtless the latter's wife.


This shocking news emerged from a study of more than 450,000 middle-aged people started 16 years ago and followed up until now.


How come everyone in our company is middle-aged stuffy?


Happiness follows a U-shaped curve during a person's lifetime, according to research showing that middle-aged people are the unhappiest.


But soon enough, he spotted a target, a seemingly wealthy middle-aged man in an old jacket.

精品文摘:Packaging A Person 人的包装

Packaging for the middle-aged is primarily to conceal the furrows ploughed by time.


At that moment, just when I couldn't feel any worse, a middle-aged couple walked into the room.

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