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" She seated herself on a dark ottoman with the brown books behind her, looking in her plain dress of some thin woollen-white material, without a single ornament on her besides her wedding-ring, as if she were under a vow to be different from all other women; and Will sat down opposite her at two yards' distance, the light falling on his bright curls and delicate but rather petulant profile, with its defiant curves of lip and chin.


She ceased to be a woman, complex, kind and petulant, considerate and thoughtless; she was a Maenad.


Smile, sulking is for petulant teenagers, he will be relieved you have brushed over his embarrassment and won't forget again.


Smile, sulking is for petulant teenagers, he will be relieved you have brushed over his embarrassment and won't forget again.


" In one interview Walter Isaacson, who wrote Jobs's official biography, said: 'He was very petulant , he was very brittle.

乔布斯传 第97期:最年轻的亿万富翁(3)

"6,,,6,26…… As an executive, Jobs has sometimes been petulant and harsh on subordinates.


On your hand as it waved adieu There were veins of blue; In your voice as it said good-bye Was a petulant cry, "You have only wasted your life.

乔布斯传 第1期:前言(1)

He was petulant even then, attacking a Time correspondent for having wounded him with a story that was too revealing.


Smile, sulking is for petulant teenagers, he will be relieved you have brushed over his embarrassment and won't forget again.


: She could be wayward, petulant, and disagreeable.


Smile, sulking is for petulant teenagers, he will be relieved you have brushed over his embarrassment and won't forget again.


I can be petulant and a prima donna.


Don't be petulant.

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