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Also he was piqued that he had been what he called such a stupid lout as to ask that intervention from Mr.


"There are a great many celebrated people writing in the 'Keepsake,' at all events," he said, in a tone at once piqued and timid.


Now Fred piqued himself on keeping clear of lies, and even fibs; he often shrugged his shoulders and made a significant grimace at what he called Rosamond's fibs (it is only brothers who can associate such ideas with a lovely girl); and rather than incur the accusation of falsehood he would even incur some trouble and self-restraint.


She piqued herself on writing a hand in which each letter was distinguishable without any large range of conjecture, and she meant to make much use of this accomplishment, to save Mr.


" "At all events, you can be forced to support your wife and children," I retorted, somewhat piqued.


The ingenious technology that powers it has already piqued the interest of both major film studios and tech companies, so we are likely to see interactive motion pictures in the near future.


The ingenious wrist flask piqued the internet's interest when a Queensland-based homeware company Gibsons Noosa shared a video of the bangle on Facebook.


" When the couple reached their room, the piqued bride demanded: "Who was that woman?


Annihilation 《》 Despite an overwhelming number of big sequels and superhero films being released in 2018 (and every year, it seems), one upcoming original film that has piqued a lot of interest is Annihilation.


However, my interest was genuinely piqued when I was shown one of the solar shingles-not panels, shingles-of which the roof was constructed.


The 33-year-old's interest has been piqued by the Badminton World Federation's (BWF) experiments with an 11-point, best-of-five system, instead of the traditional 21-point, best-of-three format.

《傲慢与偏见》第五章 第3节

" "Pride," observed Mary, who piqued herself upon the solidity of her reflections, "is a very common failing I believe.


But in recent years, American women (and beauty companies), their interest piqued by the BB cream, began to look more closely at Korean multistep skin-care regimens, and they liked what they saw.

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