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迷人四月天:Chapter 12

Fisher wore; indeed, the only thing for her, short of plumes and ermine, was what she did wear.


But I just went to work and imagined that I had on the most beautiful pale blue silk dress—because when you are imagining you might as well imagine something worth while—and a big hat all flowers and nodding plumes, and a gold watch, and kid gloves and boots.


And at the zenith of his fame, how he would suddenly appear at the old village and stalk into church, brown and weather-beaten, in his black velvet doublet and trunks, his great jack-boots, his crimson sash, his belt bristling with horse-pistols, his crime-rusted cutlass at his side, his slouch hat with waving plumes, his black flag unfurled, with the skull and crossbones on it, and hear with swelling ecstasy the whisperings, "It's Tom Sawyer the Pirate!


And there came to the door a carriage drawn by eight white horses, with white plumes on their heads, and with golden harness, and behind the carriage was standing faithful Henry, the servant of the young prince.


Confirming the existence of Europa's plumes would allow researchers to study that moon's chemical makeup without having to dig through miles of icy crust.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(111)

I saw him running up the hill where you two used to play, his feet kicking up plumes of dust.

The Rhodora杜鹃

The purple petals, fallen in the pool, Made the black water with their beauty gay; Here might the red-bird come his plumes to cool, And court the flower that cheapens his array.

英语名人名言:Enemies 敌人

The shaft of the arrow had been feathered with one of the eagle's own plumes.

伊索寓言:The Vain Jackdaw

Hope not to succeed in borrowed plumes.

安徒生童话英文版:The Court Cards

The kings held each a scepter, and wore crowns; the queens wore veils flowing down over their shoulders, and in their hands they held a flower or a fan; the knaves had halberds and nodding plumes.

安徒生童话英文版:Godfather’s Picture Book

In rich garments of silk and velvet, with nodding plumes, the noble lords come on horses adorned with gold, riding to Old Market Square.

安徒生童话英文版:The Last Dream of the Old Oak

He saw the knights of olden times and noble ladies ride by through the wood on their gallant steeds, with plumes waving in their hats, and falcons on their wrists.

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