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Sometimes he embarrassed his wife, and the only time I saw her put out of countenance was when he insisted on telling me that he had taken a purge, and went into somewhat realistic details on the subject.


Naps increase alertness and performance on the job, enhance learning ability and purge negative emotions while enhancing positive ones.


Breininger observes that "there are surprisingly few items that fall into the 2 and 3 categories; and as soon as something is labeled thus, it becomes easier to purge.


They can't see past their anger, but you can if you choose to purge them from your life.


The thought for most of us might feel like losing a limb or two, but during her most recent appearance on the royal tour of Australia with Prince Harry, Meghan has described her social media purge this year as an entirely positive move.


Burning the page, which happens at the end of the exercise, allows us to purge even more of that charge and serves as a symbol of letting go.


"We are trying to find ways to purge the reservoir, because we think we know how to kill the virus once we shock the reservoir.

减肥运动相关口语表达 第37期:用人造代糖

Using aspartame and saccharin may also help purge the urge for real sugar.

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",,", "Then he would go and purge.


" Current therapies can only contain the viral replication, but can not purge them completely in chronic diseases like HIV/AIDS.


" You have had the chance to purge the foolishness of youth from your system and are now confident with the wisdom of maturity.


We have to make a choice to purge negativity from our lives in any form.


They can't see past their anger, but you can if you choose to purge them from your life.


Mr Devoy has gone a step further in his purge of technology.


Non-violent offenders should also be able to purge their records.


Cao Cao spoke to the assembly: "We have raised this force to purge evil, dispel threats to the ruling family and to calm the empire.


" You have had the chance to purge the foolishness of youth from your system and are now confident with the wisdom of maturity.

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Citrus fruits are known to have a powerful detox capability, therefore if you are looking for foods to help you purge all the toxins that have gathered inside you over the months then you must certainly include them in your detox juice.


With the more than $300 million she raised as president of Smith College from 1995 to 2001, Simmons established an engineering program (the first at any women's school) and added seminars focused on public speaking to purge the ubiquitous "likes" and "ums" from the campus idiom.


Purge untrue thoughts.

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