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Wilson, who was sitting quietly on a chair in the garden enjoying the sun.

我的宠物猫My Pet Cat

Now he always lies beside me quietly, when I'm doing my homework.

世界上最冷的地方-3 小马

' Scott smiled quietly.

世界上最冷的地方-1 两艘船

On the Terra Nova,Captain Robert Falcon Scott smiled quietly.

爱情与金钱-5 Chapter

' Inspector Walsh listened quietly.

爱情与金钱-3 Chapter

He got out of bed and opened the door quietly.

爱情与金钱-2 Chapter

'One day I'm going to kill that woman,'Diane said quietly.


' the Sultan said quietly to the Vizier, when he saw all these wonderful things.


So she waited quietly in the room and spoke to nobody.


'Yes,' he said quietly.

勃朗特一家的故事-10 玛丽亚

Somewhere upstairs Arthur Nicholls is sleeping quietly.

勃朗特一家的故事-5 找工作

Anne was playing the piano,and singing quietly to herself.

格林•盖布尔斯的安妮-5 女王学院

She rememberedthe strange, thin little child, with her sad eyes, who arrived at Green Gablesfive years ago, and she started crying quietly.

爱丽丝漫游奇境记-4 切舍猫

Alice put it carefully on the ground,and it ran quietly away on its four legs into the wood.

五个孩子和沙精-3 翅膀

The next morning, while Martha was busy with Baby, the children left the house quietly and went to see the Psammead.

五个孩子和沙精-2 孩子们希望变得富有

'It won't do you much good, of course,'it said quietly to itself.

神秘的猴爪-Chapter 5

Mr White asked quietly.

神秘的猴爪-Chapter 4

' she said quietly.

神秘的猴爪-Chapter 3

'I don't know,' Mr White said quietly.

神秘的猴爪-Chapter 2

'Yes,'Morris answered quietly.

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