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But they dragged her in, and all three stood in the dark, damp, arched recess while the train roared louder and louder.


Her habit therefore was thrown off with all possible haste, and she was preparing to unpin the linen package, which the chaise-seat had conveyed for her immediate accommodation, when her eye suddenly fell on a large high chest, standing back in a deep recess on one side of the fireplace.

迷人四月天:Chapter 15

Fisher because of her conversation, but because, when she got up and he got up because she got up, intending merely to bow her out of the recess, Lady Caroline had put her feet up on the parapet again, and arranging her head sideways in the cushions had shut her eyes.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 30

She kept me in at recess and talked to me.


It was at recess and all the girls, big and little, were out on the road in front of the school making dust-piles.


They found a small recess in the one nearest the base of the rock, with a pallet of blankets spread down in it; also an old suspender, some bacon rind, and the well-gnawed bones of two or three fowls.


At recess Tom continued his flirtation with Amy with jubilant self-satisfaction.


It seemed to him that the noon recess would never come.


But there was one recess in the wall, no larger than a bird-cage, which was the private apartment of Tinker Bell.

The Foreman's Position 陪审团主席

and getting a jury would take time, so the judge called a recess and went out in the hall looking to impanel anyone available for jury duty.

精品英语文摘:Let a miracle happen 让奇迹发生吧

I needed to enlist the children's help before recess, before they could taunt her about being "different.


He had found three books with wrong cardsby the time his teacher opened the door and announced,"Time for recess!


One day during recess she noticed a girl standing by herself on one side of a playing field while the rest of the kids enjoyed a game of soccer at the other.


So we did our activity in the classroom, they filled them up with dirt, they had so much putting the seeds in, and the next step was to take them just outside of classroom and water each of them before we went to recess.

乔布斯传 第118期:像保时捷那样(2)

The recess near the base evoked a gentle chin, ,; and Jobs narrowed the strip of plastic at the top , so that it avoided the Neanderthal forehead that made the Lisa subtly unattractive.


and getting a jury would take time, so the judge called a recess and went out in the hall looking to impanel anyone available for jury duty.


One day, a couple of kids at recess derailed Cody's bright outlook on having glasses in his possession.


It used to be about fun and recess, now we're just running across the school to get to fourth period.


So we did our activity in the classroom, they filled them up with dirt, they had so much putting the seeds in, and the next step was to take them just outside of classroom and water each of them before we went to recess.

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