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Eating pears The pear is another recommended fruit during Frost's Descent, which can promote the secretion of body liquids, clear away heat and reduce sputum.


Originally, the word was applied to the cuttlefish, a creature related to the squid and octopus that, when alarmed, releases an inky secretion.


This results in failure of insulin secretion after eating, and precipitates the onset of hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar).


The timing of release of the sleep hormone melatonin is thought to change with age: during adolescence, secretion begins late at night and continues until about 8am.


For virtually all adolescents, the secretion of melatonin (the body clock's sleeping pill) doesn't begin until about 11pm and continues until about 8am.


In addition, do you find that a person with good sleep usual do not have acne, because enough sleep balance their internal secretion and detox.

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" "So if you start sleeping shorter, or receive light at the wrong time late into night, it disrupts melatonin secretion and that could contribute to alterations in metabolism.


The first gene variant is close to the gene coding for the secretion of follicle stimulating hormone, called the FSHB gene.


It makes sense to include low-fat and high protein dairy in your diet according to the docter, as protein can increase the secretion of adrenalin which helps to concentrate.


Set the electronics aside an hour before bed According to Harvard, light from smartphones, laptops, and TVs can suppress the secretion of melatonin.

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" 'So if you start sleeping shorter, or receive light at the wrong time late into night, it disrupts melatonin secretion and that could contribute to alterations in metabolism.


Containing tannin acid, brick tea stimulates the secretion of gastric acid which fastens the process of digestion.


" 'So if you start sleeping shorter, or receive light at the wrong time late into night, it disrupts melatonin secretion and that could contribute to alterations in metabolism.


The smoothie ingredients will promote the secretion of enzymes that will target and break down fat.


If your body can't get enough water or always in a state of hydropenia, your skin will become dry and the secretion of sebaceous gland will reduce.

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