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There was, however, nothing to show that a shipwreck had taken place recently.


If castaways had landed on the island, they could not have yet quitted the shore, and it was not in the woods that the survivors of the supposed shipwreck should be sought.


Rosamond, taken hold of by an emotion stronger than her own—hurried along in a new movement which gave all things some new, awful, undefined aspect—could find no words, but involuntarily she put her lips to Dorothea's forehead which was very near her, and then for a minute the two women clasped each other as if they had been in a shipwreck.


He continually deferred the final steps; in the midst of his fears, like many a man who is in danger of shipwreck or of being dashed from his carriage by runaway horses, he had a clinging impression that something would happen to hinder the worst, and that to spoil his life by a late transplantation might be over-hasty—especially since it was difficult to account satisfactorily to his wife for the project of their indefinite exile from the only place where she would like to live.

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The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island.


Greece opens underwater museum "" Greece has opened its very first underwater museum, where visitors will be able to explore an ancient shipwreck.


A 2016 study claimed that a recently discovered "extremophile bacteria" could eat away what's left of the famous shipwreck inside 15 or 20 years.


He had been delayed by storms and shipwreck, and he had feared that he was too late.


Colombia says it has found the shipwreck of a storied Spanish galleon laden with gold, silver and precious stones, three centuries after it was sunk by the British in the Caribbean.


The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island.


" Another famous Franklin-inspired image of the Victorian period was Edwin Henry Landseer's astonishing painting "Man Proposes, God Disposes," which shows man proposing in the form of a shipwreck, and God, or Nature, disposing in the form of two rather vulpine polar bears feasting on a human rib cage and the remains of a mast.

一千零一夜:Sixth Voyage

It must be a marvel to you how, after having five times met with shipwreck and unheard of perils, I could again tempt fortune and risk fresh trouble.

安徒生童话英文版:A Story from the Sand-Hills

Here we are reminded again of the song about "The King of England's Son," for in it mention is made of the custom prevalent at the time, when knights and squires plundered those who had been saved from shipwreck.

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