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His superior knowledge and mental force, instead of being, as he had imagined, a shrine to consult on all occasions, was simply set aside on every practical question.

旅游英语:布达拉宫 Potala Palace

It used to be the holy shrine of Chinese Emperors.


Renowned for his love affairs, Xu died at the age of just 34 in a plane crash and the willow is now considered by his fans to be a shrine to lost youth.


Renowned for his love affairs, Xu died at the age of just 34 in a plane crash and the willow is now considered by his fans to be a shrine to lost youth.


" One shoo-in for the list, according to organizers, is Washinomiya Jinja, a picturesque shrine in Saitama prefecture on the outskirts of Tokyo, a familiar scene in comics by Kagami Yoshimizu, which later became a TV animation series, "Lucky Star" or "Raki Suta.


Camma Camma (To Ellen Terry) As one who poring on a Grecian urn Scans the fair shapes some Attic hand hath made, God with slim goddess, goodly man with maid, And for their beauty's sake is loth to turn And face the obvious day, must I not yearn For many a secret moon of indolent bliss, When in midmost shrine of Artemis I see thee standing, antique-limbed, and stern?


Even the Abba Museum, despite being a shrine to the 1970s pop group that wrote "Money, Money, Money," considers cash so last-century that it does not accept bills and coins.


Then, taking the rich garments, he set them up on a shrine near the market.


They remain at the bottom of my closet, a shrine to her memory.


in despair he went to aphrodite''s shrine for help.


One day, He is pursued by a bogie and hid in a shrine.


They remain at the bottom of my closet, a shrine to her memory.


John Keats said that in the "temple of delight melancholy has her sovran shrine.

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