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精品英语文摘:Let a miracle happen 让奇迹发生吧

"I returned to my room to discover that the children were already shunning this "different" child.


From shunning nude tights to sporting dark nail polish, Meghan is known to be a royal rule breaker, and it's possible that she knows the sex of her baby but is keeping mum.


Mr Li said the economy's strength came as a result of the government shunning strong stimulus policies and its push for supply-side reforms.


University of Melbourne researchers said that society's downright shunning of being sad could be harmful for sufferers of the blues.


University of Melbourne researchers said that society's downright shunning of being sad could be harmful for sufferers of the blues.


Women are shunning academic careers in math-intensive fields because the lifestyle is incompatible with motherhood, researchers at Cornell University found in a study to be published next month in American Scientist Magazine.


Mikey shares plenty of other top anti-ageing tips, including never applying mascara to your lower lashline, avoiding contouring completely and shunning eyeshadows with glittery tones in them.


" Although her friend warned her that her scalp and hair would go through a nasty adjustment period, Sarah wasn't prepared for the dandruff and excessive amounts of grease that she first experienced after she first started shunning shampoo during a three-week vacation to Thailand.


But the new rules are an à la carte version of Title II, adopting some provisions and shunning others.


However, they are negatively affected by their line of work due to people shunning them in social situations (e.


However, they are negatively affected by their line of work due to people shunning them in social situations (e.

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