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Then we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of a world that lionizes Size Two Hollywood starlets and Barbiedoll figures.

《龙猫》今日国内上映 中国版海报“暗藏玄机”

The Chinese poster, with Miyazaki's name displayed proudly smack dab in the center, is beautifully understated in its aesthetics, showing Satsuki following Mei through what appears to be a field of tall grass.

如何挑出最好的西瓜? 专家来教你!

Finally, give the underside a little smack - not aggressive enough to draw attention from grocery workers, but enough so that you can determine whether the watermelon sounds hollow.

万物简史 第33期:走进太阳系(11)

Just occasionally these stray visitors smack into something solid, like Earth.

乔布斯传 第29期:何处安放躁动之心(2)

"It was hot, the costumes were heavy, and after a while I felt like I wanted to smack some of the kids.


smack in the middle with average speeds of 10.


This recovery time is worse than if you flew smack across the globe, crossing 12 time zones, which is about the distance from New York to Japan.


Smack dab in the middle was this close-up shot of myself.


The reason was that a great cold, salt splash had broken right out of the frame and they were breathless from the smack of it, besides being wet through.


, such a policy would smack of protectionism.


About eight hours after you wake up, the body's temperature dips a little, triggering that oh-so-annoying drowsiness after lunch and smack dab in the middle of your attempts to focus and get more done in the late afternoon.

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 02

He was not sailorly, and yet he had a smack of the sea about him too.

改掉十个单词 提高幸福指数

Smack In addition to limiting words, violent words can bring unnecessary negativity into your life.

安徒生童话英文版:The Will-o’-the-Wisp Is in the Town

That's enough to make a simple Will-o'-the-Wisp smack his lips.

安徒生童话英文版:The Little Elder-Tree Mother

Then suddenly some one put his arm round my waist—' "'Yes, and you gave him a hearty smack on the cheek,' said the old man.

安徒生童话英文版-2 Little Claus and Big Claus(1835)

Then how Little Claus would smack his whip over all five horses, they were as good as his own on that one day.

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