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Tough Bill not only paid for the canvas, colours, and brushes, but gave Strickland a pound of smuggled tobacco into the bargain.


Ruby Gillis smuggled three blue plums over to her during testament reading; Ella May MacPherson gave her an enormous yellow pansy cut from the covers of a floral catalogue—a species of desk decoration much prized in Avonlea school.


Every day or two, during this time of sorrow, Tom watched his opportunity and went to the little grated jail-window and smuggled such small comforts through to the "murderer" as he could get hold of.


Zayn Malik appears to have confirmed the suspicion that Taylor Swift is smuggled in a suitcase to avoid detection.


I remember most of what I did in the 1980s, but it is comforting to know that hardly anyone else will, and not just because of the revolting mixtures of Cinzano Bianco, Malibu and Smirnoff that my friends and I smuggled on to the night bus.


So far, smugglers were known for using train and bus routes to carry smuggled gold into different parts of India.

美国牛肉解禁 时隔十三年重返中国餐桌

But due to surging demand, some Chinese consumers started to purchase smuggled beef via online stores.


In the most recent episode, 100,000 tons of smuggled frozen meat has been seized across China, some of it more than 40 years old, the state news agency Xinhua reported.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(75)

His cousin owned a fuel truck and had smuggled people with it a couple of times.


The manuscript was smuggled out of Russia before being published in Italy.

韩国肥皂剧 防不胜防的特洛伊木马

A graduate student had offered him the bundle of banned CDs smuggled into the North and, too curious to resist, Mr.

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