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If this be hypocrisy, it is a process which shows itself occasionally in us all, to whatever confession we belong, and whether we believe in the future perfection of our race or in the nearest date fixed for the end of the world; whether we regard the earth as a putrefying nidus for a saved remnant, including ourselves, or have a passionate belief in the solidarity of mankind.


Twenty-eight-year-old Taylor, who's currently in New Jersey for the final leg of her epic Reputation tour, couldn't make it to the party, so instead she made herself a Selena-themed birthday cake to eat alone in solidarity.

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And women with PhDs have been adding "Dr" to their Twitter handles in solidarity.

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In 1940, General Francisco Franco changed Spain's time zone, moving the clocks one hour forward in solidarity with Nazi Germany.


In the last decade, a pink tie can sometimes signal "solidarity with women, " added Woodman.


Nitin Nohria, dean of faculty at Harvard Business School, was among several school heads expressing solidarity with those excluded, sending an email to staff and students expressing deep concern about a "new order" in the White House.


" 'All of the proceeds will be given to those who work in support and in solidarity of the refugees in Paris.


It undermines European solidarity and the Energy Union, the EU's flagship project.

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" A list of names can be a very powerful way of invoking pathos and solidarity.


US House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan has called for the US to start negotiating a new free trade deal with Britain to 'show solidarity' and ensure a 'smooth relationship' post-Brexit.


Others are showing less than resolute commitment to solidarity with other producers.

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Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said late on Sunday that Greeks had voted for a "Europe of solidarity and democracy".


Mr Hollande said the crash was a tragedy and called for solidarity with the victims, adding that the are a was very difficult to access.


In the last decade, a pink tie can sometimes signal "solidarity with women," added Woodman.

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It appears that they offer each other warmth, companionship and solidarity.

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