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I would not creep along the coast but steer Out in mid-sea, by guidance of the stars.


" "Here, you let me steer!


Out in midstream, there was a clear, narrow track that faintly reflected the sky; but wherever shadows fell on the water from bank, bush, or tree, they were as solid to all appearance as the banks themselves, and the Mole had to steer with judgment accordingly.

怪医杜立德19: THE ROCK

" So the Doctor tumbled out of bed and went to the rudder to steer the ship.

英国装腔指南 像上流社会一样说英语

A card game might seem like safe ground, but steer clear of whist, pontoon, nap, and even slippery sam, which are all non-U.

A Business Creed 职业信条

To steer clear of dissipation and guard my health of body and peace of mind as my most precious stock in trade.


But they always deliberately steer their kids into all kinds of difficult situations.


They ensure that questions don't steer the conversation off topic 5.

研究显示 男人多吃蔬菜和水果会提高记忆力

And the results were even better if the men happened to steer toward carotenoid-rich vegetables, such as carrots, pumpkin and spinach.

有史以来最昂贵的iphone! 据说最新版iphone有512G版

And users who prefer to steer away from cloud services (iCloud Photo Library, iCloud Music Library, etc.


To steer clear of dissipation and guard my health of body and peace of mind as my most precious stock in trade.


Italy A rise in immigration to Italy has not helped the country steer clear of becoming a demographic time bomb.


Natural Flavoring There is a lot of confusion over what "natural flavors" actually means and, in general, I steer very clear foods that include them on the ingredient label.


Influence is about shaping opinion, and embarrassing holes in everyday knowledge -- the kind that force you to awkwardly steer conversations into friendlier waters -- can significantly dampen your 360-degree influencing efforts.


Snacks like nuts, seeds, jerky, roasted chickpeas, and popcorn can help stabilize your blood sugar-a prerequisite to quashing your cravings-and make it (way) easier to steer clear of the drive-thru on the way home from work.


The closed Chinese financial system tends to steer money to state-owned enterprises instead of smaller and more entrepreneurial private sector businesses.

名人励志英语演讲 第46期:我们选择登月(7)

Transit satellites are helping our ships at sea to steer a safer course.

我国独角兽企业数量猛增 已占全球的36%

As China's policymakers pledged to steer the economy onto a new path featuring high-quality growth, rather than high-speed growth, a booming digital economy is reshaping China's economic landscape.

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