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A Bad Day at Work

When I had scratched what I thought was an itch, I was actually grinding the jellyfish, and all of its poisonous, stinging tentacles, into the crack of my bottom.


Well, it's time Ursula took matters into her own tentacles.


This unique bronze ware features five round columns standing on a square base at an equal distance between each other, strongly resembling a Wi-Fi router with five tentacles in the eyes of modern people.

没有GPS定位 我们会迷路

"[But] today its tentacles are everywhere.


The Chinese ecommerce group, which has tentacles into digital entertainment, payments and cloud, said it would launch the devices as early as next week.


This does a great job of extending the tentacles of Apple services.


NOAA has posted a video on the website showing a pale, rounded form with expressionless eyes and languid tentacles resting on the ocean floor.


The liquid, which Demirel still hasn't named, has similar properties and structure to protein found in human hair, nails and squid tentacles.


But the greater difficulty is that a thorough Olympic history must also be something of a world history, with tentacles sprawling far beyond the Games themselves.


NOAA has posted a video on the website showing a pale, rounded form with expressionless eyes and languid tentacles resting on the ocean floor.


The box jelly fish can kill a human in five minutes with the stings from its tentacles proving so painful they can prompt a heart attack.


" she asked "I was fishing for octopi," explained Samphire "I was kidnapped by a huge octopus, whose prisoner I now am," said the king's daughter "Flee before it returns But note that for three hours a day it changes into a red mullet and can be caught But your have to kill the mullet at once, or it will change into a sea gull and fly away" Samphire Starboard hid his boat and waited out of sight on the reef From the sea emerged the octopus, which was so large that it could reach clear a

瞄准吃货的创业点子 快递美食

The television channel and its many tentacles has transformed the idea of being foodie, once the province of boring recipe shows, into full-on adventure entertainment.

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