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迷人四月天:Chapter 17

Arbuthnot, for she too, though he had done his best to thaw her into confidences, had remained persistently retiring.


Moonlight on birches in a silver thaw.


I am no more lonely than the Millbrook, or a weathercock, or the north star, or the south wind, or an April shower, or a January thaw, or the first spider in a new house.

Solitude 独处

I am no more lonely than the Millbrook, or a weathercock, or the north star, or the south wind, or an April shower, or a January thaw, or the first spider in a new house.


The safest three ways to thaw meat are in the microwave on a low heat, in the refrigerator, or in cold water.


" "This often happens when it is taken from the freezer, left out to thaw and then returned to the freezer before being taken out again to eat later.


I let it come and go As traceless as a thaw of bygone snow; It seemed to mean so little, meant so much; If only now I could recall that touch, First touch of hand in hand—Did one but know!


When the thaw set in, he led them all out to feed, and the Wild Goats scampered away as fast as they could to the mountains.


As companies' hiring freezes start to thaw, many laid-off individuals may see a chance to regain a position in their old companies.


CAPRICORN: Known to be a bit conservative and reserved, you can thaw the cold Capricorn heart with an antique watch or a special family heirloom.


Spring Thaw Every April I am beset by the same concern-that spring might not occur this year.


,•: The trees that have it in their pent-up buds To darken nature and be summer woods —— One thaw led to another.

英语名人名言: Spring 春天

Christina Rossetti (1830 - 1894) If there comes a little thaw, Still the air is chill and raw, Here and there a patch of snow, Dirtier than the ground below, Dribbles down a marshy flood; Ankle-deep you stick in mud In the meadows while you sing, "This is Spring.


I let it come and go As traceless as a thaw of bygone snow; It seemed to mean so little, meant so much; If only now I could recall that touch, First touch of hand in hand - Did one but know!

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-I

During the year these accumulations thaw or fall in the rolling avalance, or are piled up in shining glaciers.

安徒生童话英文版:The Snow Man

These window-panes would not thaw, and he could see nothing of the stove, which he pictured to himself, as if it had been a lovely human being.

安徒生童话英文版:Under the Willow-Tree

He remained there that night and the whole of the following day, for his body required rest and refreshment, and in the valley there was rain and a thaw.

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