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What quiet harbours, thronged with gallant shipping bound for purple islands of wine and spice, islands set low in languorous waters!

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 37

The news spread quickly through Avonlea, and all day friends and neighbors thronged Green Gables and came and went on errands of kindness for the dead and living.


" Tin pans and horns were added to the din, the population massed itself and moved toward the river, met the children coming in an open carriage drawn by shouting citizens, thronged around it, joined its homeward march, and swept magnificently up the main street roaring huzzah after huzzah!


"And a mass of melancholy fancy thronged my mind as well.


The streets of the island are thronged with well-paid workers.

英语诗歌:Fern Hill 羊齿山

Nothing I cared, in the lamb white days, that time would take me Up to the swallow thronged loft by the shadow of my hand, In the moon that is always rising, Nor that riding to sleep I should hear him fly with the high fields And wake to the farm forever fled from the childless land.

桐花半亩 静销一庭愁雨

"And a mass of melancholy fancy thronged my mind as well.

安徒生童话英文版:The Storm Shakes the Shield

One laughed, another chatted; the people thronged the windows and door-steps, and even all the roofs.

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