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" She folded herself in the large chair, and leaned her head against it in fatigued quiescence, while Tantripp went away wondering at this strange contrariness in her young mistress—that just the morning when she had more of a widow's face than ever, she should have asked for her lighter mourning which she had waived before.


There are answers which, in turning away wrath, only send it to the other end of the room, and to have a discussion coolly waived when you feel that justice is all on your own side is even more exasperating in marriage than in philosophy.


Casaubon, and that gentleman, expressing the best wishes for his cousin, politely waived the pleasure of any further leave-taking on the morrow, which would be sufficiently crowded with the preparations for departure.


Nothing escaped Lydgate in Rosamond's graceful behavior: how delicately she waived the notice which the old man's want of taste had thrust upon her by a quiet gravity, not showing her dimples on the wrong occasion, but showing them afterwards in speaking to Mary, to whom she addressed herself with so much good-natured interest, that Lydgate, after quickly examining Mary more fully than he had done before, saw an adorable kindness in Rosamond's eyes.

迷人四月天:Chapter 15

Wilkins's eyes, quiet and dignified, and he admired the way she waived her right to preside at the head of the table—as a graceful compliment, of course, to Mrs.

迷人四月天:Chapter 3

" She waived references.


While his tuition was waived, he still needed to pay for daily expenses.


Ofo Ofo has been forced to retreat from an ambitious overseas push, unable to keep up with the spending of Mobike, which recently waived all Chinese users' deposits in an effort to push out other players.

春节黄金周 出镜游也太火爆了

A visa for UAE can new be obtained after arrival at the airport without prior application, and Morocco even waived the need for a visa completely.


A visa for UAE can now be obtained after arrival at the airport without prior application, and Morocco even waived the need for a visa completely.

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