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Her countenance grew wan with watching and sorrow, and my master gladly dismissed her to what he flattered himself would be a happy change of scene and society; drawing comfort from the hope that she would not now be left entirely alone after his death.


Her pretty face was wan and listless; her hair uncurled: some locks hanging lankly down, and some carelessly twisted round her head.


" "You're—a good actor, Barney," said Valancy, with a wan little smile.


Three short years went by,and a day came when the man sat shivering in a mean garret;and he was gaunt and wan and hollow-eyed,and clothed in rags;and he was gnawing a dry crust and mumbling:"Curse all the world's gifts for mockeries and gilded lies!


The special stamps and associated philatelic products will be displayed at the General Post Office, Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office, Tsuen Wan Post Office, Sha Tin Central Post Office and Tuen Mun Central Post Office on the same day.

学中文还不够 英国开学又开印度英语课

According to the BBC, which launched a Pidgin news service in August, popular phrases include: "I wan chop" ( I want to eat), "Wetin dey 'appen?

英语散文:The Five Boons of Life

" Three short years went by,and a day came when the man sat shivering in a mean garret;and he was gaunt and wan and hollow-eyed,and clothed in rags;and he was gnawing a dry crust and mumbling:"Curse all the world's gifts for mockeries and gilded lies!


Wan Han Fine vintage in the goblets that glow at night, But Pipa blare urges us to ride and fight.


May you two Wan with love to each other and the mutual understanding and care, Shared future pleasure and pain.

《新月集》第30期: 英雄

The waste of Joradighi lies wan and grey before us.


Dr Peerasak said the Mahachanok mango (Mangifera indica) - a hybrid of Thai Nang Klang Wan mangoes and Australian Sunset mangoes - had red-purple or yellow-red skin when ripe.


In the fog-wrapped city of Yichang on the Yangtze in the shadow of the world's largest hydroelectric dam, Wan Xindi is triumphant as she cares for her new baby daughter.


"At present, about 2b people around the world are suffering from 'hidden hunger,' and the number in China is 300m," said Wan Jianmin, an academic with the Chinese Academy of Engineering.


More than 70 glass balls, each weighing 750 kg, have been installed to counter sympathetic vibration, explained Wan Tianbao, a chief engineer with the project.


But as the care-worn cheeks grow wan, And sorrow's shafts fly thicker, Ye Stars, that measure life to man, Why seem your courses quicker?


How many a year Have you kept pace with me, Wan Woman of the waste up there, Behind a hedge, or the bare Bough of a tree!


"I am going to the City of Wan, too," said the ghost.

《我是路人甲》 小人物也有大梦想

In the film, Wan Guopeng, son of a woodcutter, comes a long way from Dongbei with only 1,000 yuan in his pocket to the dream factory of the East to become an actor.


How silently, and with how wan a face!


" Three short years went by,and a day came when the man sat shivering in a mean garret;and he was gaunt and wan and hollow-eyed,and clothed in rags;and he was gnawing a dry crust and mumbling:"Curse all the world's gifts for mockeries and gilded lies!

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