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By the 1850s, tsarist troops also had invaded the Heilong Jiang watershed of Manchuria, from which their countrymen had been ejected under the Treaty of Nerchinsk.


The start of RBS's privatisation represents a watershed moment in the return to health of what was once the world's biggest bank by assets, before it became one of the most spectacular victims of the financial crisis and was bailed out by the UK state with a record £45bn.

报告指出 肥胖将取代吸烟成为女性患癌首因

" The charity has called for measures including a ban on TV adverts for junk food before the watershed and for restrictions on price promotions of less healthy food and drinks, echoing the combined awareness and legislative campaigns that have been deployed in recent years in response to other public health issues.


The release of the film, which stars a predominantly Asian cast, will be a watershed moment for both on-screen representation and for romantic comedies.


So this nomination is a watershed moment for the genre, especially in a category that often serves as a way to honor artistically daring films that aren't nominated for Best Picture.

研究发现 节食减肥或可摆脱二型糖尿病

Nearly half of patients have reversed type 2 diabetes in a "watershed" trial, say doctors in Newcastle and Glasgow.


His "trustworthy computing" initiative was a watershed moment.


"2016 was a watershed year for us as we truly became an international company.


It looks like 25 is the watershed age for making new relationships.


It looks like 25 is the watershed age for making new relationships.


Science has been trying to figure out this whole aging thing for a long time now, and a new development just could be one of those watershed moments in history.


The scientists were excited but anxious as they prepared to travel inland by helicopter to do the fieldwork at the heart of their research: For 72 hours, every hour on the hour, they would stand watch by a supraglacial watershed, taking measurements — velocity, volume, temperature and depth — from the icy bank of the rushing river.


" But with a Republican-controlled State Senate, opponents of rent stabilization doubt that 2015 will be a watershed year for the tenants' movement.


The death of Osama bin Laden, announced by President [Barack] Obama last night, is a watershed moment in our common global fight against terrorism.

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