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Years and years before Brownie's time his forefathers had come there, and finding that there were many trees in the neighborhood with the sort of bark they liked to eat—such as poplars, willows and box elders—they had decided that it was a good place to live.


It was encircled by huge old willows and tall firs, beneath which flourished flowers that loved the shade.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER I

Very green and neat and precise was that yard, set about on one side with great patriarchal willows and the other with prim Lombardies.


Frogs, little green wizards of swamp and pool, singing everywhere in the long twilights and long into the nights; islands fairy-like in a green haze; the evanescent beauty of wild young trees in early leaf; frost-like loveliness of the new foliage of juniper-trees; the woods putting on a fashion of spring flowers, dainty, spiritual things akin to the soul of the wilderness; red mist on the maples; willows decked out with glossy silver pussies; all the forgotten violets of Mistawis blooming again


The following lines best illustrate her poetic creativity, "The red must be getting thin, while the green is becoming plump";"I dwindle, thin as a golden flower";"spoiled willows and coquet flowers"; "willow-leave eyes and plum-colored cheeks".

荷塘月色 Moonlight over the Lotus Pond 英文版

On the side where the path is, there are willows, interlaced with some others whose names I do not know.


The golden willows by the riverside , Are young brides in the setting sun; ; Their glittering reflections on the shimmering river , Keep undulating in my heart.


The golden willows by the riverside Are young brides in the setting sun; Their glittering reflections on the shimmering river Keep undulating in my heart.


Wang Wei A morning drizzle wets the dust o'er Wei; Around th' inns blue are willows fresh and green.


" And the rich people drove out, and the poor walked, but the way seemed strangely long to them; and when they came to a clump of willows which grew on the skirts of the forest, they sat down, and looked up at the long branches, and fancied they were now in the depth of the green wood.


It's the best time of a year late spring tries in vain With its capital veiled in willows to outvie.

the BELL钟声

" And the rich people drove out,and the poor walked, but the way seemed strangely long to them; and when they came to a clump of willows which GREw on the skirts of the forest, they sat down, and looked up at the long branches, and fancied they were now in the depth of the green wood.

王维: 辋川闲居赠裴秀才迪

Oh, when shall I pledge the great Hermit again And sing a wild poem at Five Willows?


The country road ran along the dense bank of willows and cottonwoods that bordered the river, and up this road came a curious vehicle, curiously drawn.

王维: 老将行

He is sometimes at the road-side selling melons from his garden, He is sometimes planting willows round his hermitage.

王维: 渭城曲

A SONG AT WEICHENG Wang Wei A morning-rain has settled the dust in Weicheng; Willows are green again in the tavern dooryard.

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 14

I had crossed a marshy tract full of willows, bulrushes, and odd, outlandish, swampy trees; and I had now come out upon the skirts of an open piece of undulating, sandy country, about a mile long, dotted with a few pines and a great number of contorted trees, not unlike the oak in growth, but pale in the foliage, like willows.

杜甫: 哀江头

Since the palaces ashore are sealed by a thousand gates -- Fine willows, new rushes, for whom are you so green?

白居易: 长恨歌

The pools, the gardens, the palace, all were just as before, The Lake Taiye hibiscus, the Weiyang Palace willows; But a petal was like her face and a willow-leaf her eyebrow -- And what could he do but cry whenever he looked at them?

韦应物: 东郊

EAST OF THE TOWN Wei Yingwu From office confinement all year long, I have come out of town to be free this morning Where willows harmonize the wind And green hills lighten the cares of the world.

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