On the first of May, we had all—i.e. the twenty boarders and the four teachers—notice to rise at five o’clock of the morning, to be dressed and ready by six, to put ourselves under the command of M. le Professeur Emanuel, who was to head our march forth1 from Villette, for it was on this day he proposed to fulfil his promise of taking us to breakfast in the country. I, indeed, as the reader may perhaps remember, had not had the honour of an invitation when this excursion was first projected—rather the contrary; but on my now making allusion2 to this fact, and wishing to know how it was to be, my ear received a pull, of which I did not venture to challenge the repetition by raising, further difficulties.
“Je vous conseille de vous faire prier,” said M. Emanuel, imperially menacing the other ear. One Napoleonic compliment, however, was enough, so I made up my mind to be of the party.
The morning broke calm as summer, with singing of birds in the garden, and a light dew-mist that promised heat. We all said it would be warm, and we all felt pleasure in folding away heavy garments, and in assuming the attire3 suiting a sunny season. The clean fresh print dress, and the light straw bonnet4, each made and trimmed as the French workwoman alone can make and trim, so as to unite the utterly5 unpretending with the perfectly6 becoming, was the rule of costume. Nobody flaunted7 in faded silk; nobody wore a second-hand8 best article.
At six the bell rang merrily, and we poured down the staircase, through the carré, along the corridor, into the vestibule. There stood our Professor, wearing, not his savage-looking paletôt and severe bonnet-grec, but a young-looking belted blouse and cheerful straw hat. He had for us all the kindest good-morrow, and most of us for him had a thanksgiving smile. We were marshalled in order and soon started.
The streets were yet quiet, and the boulevards were fresh and peaceful as fields. I believe we were very happy as we walked along. This chief of ours had the secret of giving a certain impetus9 to happiness when he would; just as, in an opposite mood, he could give a thrill to fear.
He did not lead nor follow us, but walked along the line, giving a word to every one, talking much to his favourites, and not wholly neglecting even those he disliked. It was rather my wish, for a reason I had, to keep slightly aloof11 from notice, and being paired with Ginevra Fanshawe, bearing on my arm the dear pressure of that angel’s not unsubstantial limb—(she continued in excellent case, and I can assure the reader it was no trifling12 business to bear the burden of her loveliness; many a time in the course of that warm day I wished to goodness there had been less of the charming commodity)—however, having her, as I said, I tried to make her useful by interposing her always between myself and M. Paul, shifting my place, according as I heard him coming up to the right hand or the left. My private motive13 for this manœuvre might be traced to the circumstance of the new print dress I wore, being pink in colour—a fact which, under our present convoy14, made me feel something as I have felt, when, clad in a shawl with a red border, necessitated15 to traverse a meadow where pastured a bull.
For awhile, the shifting system, together with some modifications16 in the arrangement of a black silk scarf, answered my purpose; but, by-and-by, he found out, that whether he came to this side or to that, Miss Fanshawe was still his neighbour. The course of acquaintance between Ginevra and him had never run so smooth that his temper did not undergo a certain crisping process whenever he heard her English accent: nothing in their dispositions17 fitted; they jarred if they came in contact; he held her empty and affected18; she deemed him bearish19, meddling20, repellent.
At last, when he had changed his place for about the sixth time, finding still the same untoward21 result to the experiment—he thrust his head forward, settled his eyes on mine, and demanded with impatience22, “Qu’est-ce que c’est? Vous me jouez des tours?”
The words were hardly out of his mouth, however, ere, with his customary quickness, he seized the root of this proceeding23: in vain I shook out the long fringe, and spread forth the broad end of my scarf. “A-h-h! c’est la robe rose!” broke from his lips, affecting me very much like the sudden and irate24 low of some lord of the meadow.
“It is only cotton,” I alleged25, hurriedly; “and cheaper, and washes better than any other colour.”
“Et Mademoiselle Lucy est coquette comme dix Parisiennes,” he answered. “A-t-on jamais vu une Anglaise pareille. Regardez plutôt son chapeau, et ses gants, et ses brodequins!” These articles of dress were just like what my companions wore; certainly not one whit26 smarter—perhaps rather plainer than most—but Monsieur had now got hold of his text, and I began to chafe27 under the expected sermon. It went off, however, as mildly as the menace of a storm sometimes passes on a summer day. I got but one flash of sheet lightning in the shape of a single bantering28 smile from his eyes; and then he said, “Courage!—à vrai dire29 je ne suis pas fâché, peut-être même suis je content qu’on s’est fait si belle30 pour ma petite fête.”
“Mais ma robe n’est pas belle, Monsieur—elle n’est que propre.”
“J’aime la propreté,” said he. In short, he was not to be dissatisfied; the sun of good humour was to triumph on this auspicious31 morning; it consumed scudding32 clouds ere they sullied its disk.
And now we were in the country, amongst what they called “les bois et les petits sentiers.” These woods and lanes a month later would offer but a dusty and doubtful seclusion33: now, however, in their May greenness and morning repose34, they looked very pleasant.
We reached a certain well, planted round, in the taste of Labassecour, with an orderly circle of lime-trees: here a halt was called; on the green swell35 of ground surrounding this well, we were ordered to be seated, Monsieur taking his place in our midst, and suffering us to gather in a knot round him. Those who liked him more than they feared, came close, and these were chiefly little ones; those who feared more than they liked, kept somewhat aloof; those in whom much affection had given, even to what remained of fear, a pleasurable zest36, observed the greatest distance.
He began to tell us a story. Well could he narrate37: in such a diction as children love, and learned men emulate38; a diction simple in its strength, and strong in its simplicity39. There were beautiful touches in that little tale; sweet glimpses of feeling and hues40 of description that, while I listened, sunk into my mind, and since have never faded. He tinted41 a twilight42 scene—I hold it in memory still—such a picture I have never looked on from artist’s pencil.
I have said, that, for myself, I had no impromptu43 faculty44; and perhaps that very deficiency made me marvel45 the more at one who possessed46 it in perfection. M. Emanuel was not a man to write books; but I have heard him lavish47, with careless, unconscious prodigality48, such mental wealth as books seldom boast; his mind was indeed my library, and whenever it was opened to me, I entered bliss49. Intellectually imperfect as I was, I could read little; there were few bound and printed volumes that did not weary me—whose perusal50 did not fag and blind—but his tomes of thought were collyrium to the spirit’s eyes; over their contents, inward sight grew clear and strong. I used to think what a delight it would be for one who loved him better than he loved himself, to gather and store up those handfuls of gold-dust, so recklessly flung to heaven’s reckless winds.
His story done, he approached the little knoll51 where I and Ginevra sat apart. In his usual mode of demanding an opinion (he had not reticence52 to wait till it was voluntarily offered) he asked, “Were you interested?”
According to my wonted undemonstrative fashion, I simply answered—“Yes.”
“Was it good?”
“Very good.”
“Yet I could not write that down,” said he.
“Why not, Monsieur?”
“I hate the mechanical labour; I hate to stoop and sit still. I could dictate54 it, though, with pleasure, to an amanuensis who suited me. Would Mademoiselle Lucy write for me if I asked her?”
“Monsieur would be too quick; he would urge me, and be angry if my pen did not keep pace with his lips.”
“Try some day; let us see the monster I can make of myself under the circumstances. But just now, there is no question of dictation; I mean to make you useful in another office. Do you see yonder farm-house?”
“Surrounded with trees? Yes.”
“There we are to breakfast; and while the good fermière makes the café au lait in a caldron, you and five others, whom I shall select, will spread with butter half a hundred rolls.”
Having formed his troop into line once more, he marched us straight on the farm, which, on seeing our force, surrendered without capitulation.
Clean knives and plates, and fresh butter being provided, half-a-dozen of us, chosen by our Professor, set to work under his directions, to prepare for breakfast a huge basket of rolls, with which the baker55 had been ordered to provision the farm, in anticipation56 of our coming. Coffee and chocolate were already made hot; cream and new-laid eggs were added to the treat, and M. Emanuel, always generous, would have given a large order for “jambon” and “confitures” in addition, but that some of us, who presumed perhaps upon our influence, insisted that it would be a most reckless waste of victual. He railed at us for our pains, terming us “des ménagères avares;” but we let him talk, and managed the economy of the repast our own way.
With what a pleasant countenance57 he stood on the farm-kitchen hearth58 looking on! He was a man whom it made happy to see others happy; he liked to have movement, animation59, abundance and enjoyment round him. We asked where he would sit. He told us, we knew well he was our slave, and we his tyrants60, and that he dared not so much as choose a chair without our leave; so we set him the farmer’s great chair at the head of the long table, and put him into it.
Well might we like him, with all his passions and hurricanes, when he could be so benignant and docile61 at times, as he was just now. Indeed, at the worst, it was only his nerves that were irritable62, not his temper that was radically63 bad; soothe64, comprehend, comfort him, and he was a lamb; he would not harm a fly. Only to the very stupid, perverse65, or unsympathizing, was he in the slightest degree dangerous.
Mindful always of his religion, he made the youngest of the party say a little prayer before we began breakfast, crossing himself as devotedly66 as a woman. I had never seen him pray before, or make that pious67 sign; he did it so simply, with such child-like faith, I could not help smiling pleasurably as I watched; his eyes met my smile; he just stretched out his kind hand, saying, “Donnez-moi la main! I see we worship the same God, in the same spirit, though by different rites10.”
Most of M. Emanuel’s brother Professors were emancipated68 free-thinkers, infidels, atheists; and many of them men whose lives would not bear scrutiny69; he was more like a knight70 of old, religious in his way, and of spotless fame. Innocent childhood, beautiful youth were safe at his side. He had vivid passions, keen feelings, but his pure honour and his artless piety71 were the strong charm that kept the lions couchant.
That breakfast was a merry meal, and the merriment was not mere72 vacant clatter73: M. Paul originated, led, controlled and heightened it; his social, lively temper played unfettered and unclouded; surrounded only by women and children there was nothing to cross and thwart74 him; he had his own way, and a pleasant way it was.
The meal over, the party were free to run and play in the meadows; a few stayed to help the farmer’s wife to put away her earthenware75. M. Paul called me from among these to come out and sit near him under a tree—whence he could view the troop gambolling76, over a wide pasture—and read to him whilst he took his cigar. He sat on a rustic77 bench, and I at the tree-root. While I read (a pocket-classic—a Corneille—I did not like it, but he did, finding therein beauties I never could be brought to perceive), he listened with a sweetness of calm the more impressive from the impetuosity of his general nature; the deepest happiness filled his blue eye and smoothed his broad forehead. I, too, was happy—happy with the bright day, happier with his presence, happiest with his kindness.
He asked, by-and-by, if I would not rather run to my companions than sit there? I said, no; I felt content to be where he was. He asked whether, if I were his sister, I should always be content to stay with a brother such as he. I said, I believed I should; and I felt it. Again, he inquired whether, if he were to leave Villette, and go far away, I should be sorry; and I dropped Corneille, and made no reply.
“Petite sœur,” said he; “how long could you remember me if we were separated?”
“That, Monsieur, I can never tell, because I do not know how long it will be before I shall cease to remember everything earthly.”
“If I were to go beyond seas for two—three—five years, should you welcome me on my return?”
“Monsieur, how could I live in the interval78?”
“Pourtant j’ai été pour vous bien dur, bien exigeant.”
I hid my face with the book, for it was covered with tears. I asked him why he talked so; and he said he would talk so no more, and cheered me again with the kindest encouragement. Still, the gentleness with which he treated me during the rest of the day, went somehow to my heart. It was too tender. It was mournful. I would rather he had been abrupt79, whimsical, and irate as was his wont53.
When hot noon arrived—for the day turned out as we had anticipated, glowing as June—our shepherd collected his sheep from the pasture, and proceeded to lead us all softly home. But we had a whole league to walk, thus far from Villette was the farm where he had breakfasted; the children, especially, were tired with their play; the spirits of most flagged at the prospect80 of this mid-day walk over chaussées flinty, glaring, and dusty. This state of things had been foreseen and provided for. Just beyond the boundary of the farm we met two spacious81 vehicles coming to fetch us—such conveyances82 as are hired out purposely for the accommodation83 of school-parties; here, with good management, room was found for all, and in another hour M. Paul made safe consignment84 of his charge at the Rue85 Fossette. It had been a pleasant day: it would have been perfect, but for the breathing of melancholy86 which had dimmed its sunshine a moment.
That tarnish87 was renewed the same evening.
Just about sunset, I saw M. Emanuel come out of the front-door, accompanied by Madame Beck. They paced the centre-alley for nearly an hour, talking earnestly: he—looking grave, yet restless; she—wearing an amazed, expostulatory, dissuasive88 air.
I wondered what was under discussion; and when Madame Beck re-entered the house as it darkened, leaving her kinsman89 Paul yet lingering in the garden, I said to myself—“He called me ‘petite sœur’ this morning. If he were really my brother, how I should like to go to him just now, and ask what it is that presses on his mind. See how he leans against that tree, with his arms crossed and his brow bent90. He wants consolation91, I know: Madame does not console: she only remonstrates92. What now——?”
Starting from quiescence93 to action, M. Paul came striding erect94 and quick down the garden. The carré doors were yet open: I thought he was probably going to water the orange-trees in the tubs, after his occasional custom; on reaching the court, however, he took an abrupt turn and made for the berceau and the first-classe glass door. There, in that first classe I was, thence I had been watching him; but there I could not find courage to await his approach. He had turned so suddenly, he strode so fast, he looked so strange; the coward within me grew pale, shrank and—not waiting to listen to reason, and hearing the shrubs95 crush and the gravel96 crunch97 to his advance—she was gone on the wings of panic.
Nor did I pause till I had taken sanctuary98 in the oratory99, now empty. Listening there with beating pulses, and an unaccountable, undefined apprehension100, I heard him pass through all the schoolrooms, clashing the doors impatiently as he went; I heard him invade the refectory which the “lecture pieuse” was now holding under hallowed constraint101; I heard him pronounce these words—“Où est Mademoiselle Lucie?”
And just as, summoning my courage, I was preparing to go down and do what, after all, I most wished to do in the world—viz., meet him—the wiry voice of St. Pierre replied glibly102 and falsely, “Elle est au lit.” And he passed, with the stamp of vexation, into the corridor. There Madame Beck met, captured, chid103, convoyed to the street-door, and finally dismissed him.
As that street-door closed, a sudden amazement104 at my own perverse proceeding struck like a blow upon me. I felt from the first it was me he wanted—me he was seeking—and had not I wanted him too? What, then, had carried me away? What had rapt me beyond his reach? He had something to tell: he was going to tell me that something: my ear strained its nerve to hear it, and I had made the confidence impossible. Yearning105 to listen and console, while I thought audience and solace106 beyond hope’s reach—no sooner did opportunity suddenly and fully arrive, than I evaded107 it as I would have evaded the levelled shaft108 of mortality.
Well, my insane inconsistency had its reward. Instead of the comfort, the certain satisfaction, I might have won—could I but have put choking panic down, and stood firm two minutes—here was dead blank, dark doubt, and drear suspense109.
I took my wages to my pillow, and passed the night counting them.
1 forth [fɔ:θ] 第7级 | |
adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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2 allusion [əˈlu:ʒn] 第9级 | |
n.暗示,间接提示 | |
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3 attire [əˈtaɪə(r)] 第10级 | |
vt.穿衣,装扮[同]array;n.衣着;盛装 | |
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4 bonnet [ˈbɒnɪt] 第10级 | |
n.无边女帽;童帽 | |
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5 utterly ['ʌtəli:] 第9级 | |
adv.完全地,绝对地 | |
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6 perfectly [ˈpɜ:fɪktli] 第8级 | |
adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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7 flaunted [flɔ:ntid] 第9级 | |
v.炫耀,夸耀( flaunt的过去式和过去分词 );有什么能耐就施展出来 | |
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8 second-hand [ˈsekəndˈhænd] 第8级 | |
adj.用过的,旧的,二手的 | |
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9 impetus [ˈɪmpɪtəs] 第7级 | |
n.推动,促进,刺激;推动力 | |
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10 rites [raɪts] 第8级 | |
仪式,典礼( rite的名词复数 ) | |
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11 aloof [əˈlu:f] 第9级 | |
adj.远离的;冷淡的,漠不关心的 | |
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12 trifling [ˈtraɪflɪŋ] 第10级 | |
adj.微不足道的;没什么价值的 | |
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13 motive [ˈməʊtɪv] 第7级 | |
n.动机,目的;adv.发动的,运动的 | |
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14 convoy [ˈkɒnvɔɪ] 第10级 | |
vt.护送,护卫,护航;n.护送;护送队 | |
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15 necessitated [niˈsesiteitid] 第7级 | |
使…成为必要,需要( necessitate的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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16 modifications [ˌmɔdəfɪˈkeɪʃənz] 第8级 | |
n.缓和( modification的名词复数 );限制;更改;改变 | |
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17 dispositions [dɪspə'zɪʃnz] 第7级 | |
安排( disposition的名词复数 ); 倾向; (财产、金钱的)处置; 气质 | |
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18 affected [əˈfektɪd] 第9级 | |
adj.不自然的,假装的 | |
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19 bearish [ˈbeərɪʃ] 第11级 | |
adj.(行情)看跌的,卖空的 | |
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20 meddling [ˈmedlɪŋ] 第8级 | |
v.干涉,干预(他人事务)( meddle的现在分词 ) | |
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21 untoward [ˌʌntəˈwɔ:d] 第11级 | |
adj.不利的,不幸的,困难重重的 | |
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22 impatience [ɪm'peɪʃns] 第8级 | |
n.不耐烦,急躁 | |
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23 proceeding [prəˈsi:dɪŋ] 第7级 | |
n.行动,进行,(pl.)会议录,学报 | |
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24 irate [aɪˈreɪt] 第12级 | |
adj.发怒的,生气 | |
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25 alleged [ə'lədʒd] 第7级 | |
a.被指控的,嫌疑的 | |
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26 whit [wɪt] 第11级 | |
n.一点,丝毫 | |
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27 chafe [tʃeɪf] 第10级 | |
vt. 擦破;擦热;擦痛;激怒 vi. 擦伤;磨擦;激怒 n. 擦伤;气恼 | |
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28 bantering [ˈbæntərɪŋ] 第10级 | |
adj.嘲弄的v.开玩笑,说笑,逗乐( banter的现在分词 );(善意地)取笑,逗弄 | |
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29 dire [ˈdaɪə(r)] 第10级 | |
adj.可怕的,悲惨的,阴惨的,极端的 | |
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30 belle [bel] 第12级 | |
n.靓女 | |
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31 auspicious [ɔ:ˈspɪʃəs] 第9级 | |
adj.吉利的;幸运的,吉兆的 | |
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32 scudding ['skʌdɪŋ] 第11级 | |
n.刮面v.(尤指船、舰或云彩)笔直、高速而平稳地移动( scud的现在分词 ) | |
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33 seclusion [sɪˈklu:ʒn] 第11级 | |
n.隐遁,隔离 | |
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34 repose [rɪˈpəʊz] 第11级 | |
vt.(使)休息;n.安息 | |
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35 swell [swel] 第7级 | |
vi.膨胀,肿胀;增长,增强 | |
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36 zest [zest] 第9级 | |
n.乐趣;滋味,风味;兴趣 | |
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37 narrate [nəˈreɪt] 第7级 | |
vt.讲,叙述;vi.叙述;讲述 | |
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38 emulate [ˈemjuleɪt] 第7级 | |
vt.努力赶上或超越,与…竞争;效仿;n.仿真,仿效 | |
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39 simplicity [sɪmˈplɪsəti] 第7级 | |
n.简单,简易;朴素;直率,单纯 | |
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40 hues [hju:z] 第10级 | |
色彩( hue的名词复数 ); 色调; 信仰; 观点 | |
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41 tinted [tɪntid] 第9级 | |
adj. 带色彩的 动词tint的过去式和过去分词 | |
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42 twilight [ˈtwaɪlaɪt] 第7级 | |
n.暮光,黄昏;暮年,晚期,衰落时期 | |
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43 impromptu [ɪmˈprɒmptju:] 第9级 | |
adj.即席的,即兴的;adv.即兴的(地),无准备的(地) | |
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44 faculty [ˈfæklti] 第7级 | |
n.才能;学院,系;(学院或系的)全体教学人员 | |
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45 marvel [ˈmɑ:vl] 第7级 | |
vi.(at)惊叹vt.感到惊异;n.令人惊异的事 | |
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46 possessed [pəˈzest] 第12级 | |
adj.疯狂的;拥有的,占有的 | |
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47 lavish [ˈlævɪʃ] 第7级 | |
adj.无节制的;浪费的;vt.慷慨地给予,挥霍 | |
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48 prodigality [ˌprɒdɪ'ɡælətɪ] 第9级 | |
n.浪费,挥霍 | |
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49 bliss [blɪs] 第8级 | |
n.狂喜,福佑,天赐的福 | |
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50 perusal [pə'ru:zl] 第12级 | |
n.细读,熟读;目测 | |
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51 knoll [nəʊl] 第11级 | |
n.小山,小丘 | |
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52 reticence ['retɪsns] 第11级 | |
n.沉默,含蓄 | |
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53 wont [wəʊnt] 第11级 | |
adj.习惯于;vi.习惯;vt.使习惯于;n.习惯 | |
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54 dictate [dɪkˈteɪt] 第7级 | |
vt.口授;(使)听写;指令,指示,命令;vi.口述;听写 | |
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55 baker [ˈbeɪkə(r)] 第7级 | |
n.面包师 | |
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56 anticipation [ænˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃn] 第8级 | |
n.预期,预料,期望 | |
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57 countenance [ˈkaʊntənəns] 第9级 | |
n.脸色,面容;面部表情;vt.支持,赞同 | |
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58 hearth [hɑ:θ] 第9级 | |
n.壁炉炉床,壁炉地面 | |
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59 animation [ˌænɪˈmeɪʃn] 第8级 | |
n.活泼,兴奋,卡通片/动画片的制作 | |
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60 tyrants [ˈtaɪərənts] 第8级 | |
专制统治者( tyrant的名词复数 ); 暴君似的人; (古希腊的)僭主; 严酷的事物 | |
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61 docile [ˈdəʊsaɪl] 第10级 | |
adj.驯服的,易控制的,容易教的 | |
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62 irritable [ˈɪrɪtəbl] 第9级 | |
adj.急躁的;过敏的;易怒的 | |
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63 radically ['rædikəli] 第7级 | |
ad.根本地,本质地 | |
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64 soothe [su:ð] 第7级 | |
vt.安慰;使平静;使减轻;缓和;奉承;vi.起抚慰作用 | |
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65 perverse [pəˈvɜ:s] 第9级 | |
adj.刚愎的;坚持错误的,行为反常的 | |
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66 devotedly [dɪ'vəʊtɪdlɪ] 第8级 | |
专心地; 恩爱地; 忠实地; 一心一意地 | |
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67 pious [ˈpaɪəs] 第9级 | |
adj.虔诚的;道貌岸然的 | |
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68 emancipated [iˈmænsipeitid] 第8级 | |
adj.被解放的,不受约束的v.解放某人(尤指摆脱政治、法律或社会的束缚)( emancipate的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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69 scrutiny [ˈskru:təni] 第7级 | |
n.详细检查,仔细观察 | |
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70 knight [naɪt] 第7级 | |
n.骑士,武士;爵士 | |
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71 piety [ˈpaɪəti] 第10级 | |
n.虔诚,虔敬 | |
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72 mere [mɪə(r)] 第7级 | |
adj.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 | |
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73 clatter [ˈklætə(r)] 第7级 | |
n.(使)发出连续而清脆的撞击声;vi.发出哗啦声;喧闹的谈笑;vt.使卡搭卡搭的响 | |
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74 thwart [θwɔ:t] 第9级 | |
vt.阻挠,妨碍,反对;adj.横(断的) | |
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75 earthenware [ˈɜ:θnweə(r)] 第9级 | |
n.土器,陶器 | |
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76 gambolling [ˈgæmbəlɪŋ] 第11级 | |
v.蹦跳,跳跃,嬉戏( gambol的现在分词 ) | |
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77 rustic [ˈrʌstɪk] 第9级 | |
adj.乡村的,有乡村特色的;n.乡下人,乡巴佬 | |
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78 interval [ˈɪntəvl] 第7级 | |
n.间隔,间距;幕间休息,中场休息 | |
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79 abrupt [əˈbrʌpt] 第7级 | |
adj.突然的,意外的;唐突的,鲁莽的 | |
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80 prospect [ˈprɒspekt] 第7级 | |
n.前景,前途;景色,视野 | |
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81 spacious [ˈspeɪʃəs] 第7级 | |
adj.广阔的,宽敞的 | |
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82 conveyances [kənˈveɪənsiz] 第10级 | |
n.传送( conveyance的名词复数 );运送;表达;运输工具 | |
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83 accommodation [əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn] 第8级 | |
n.设备,膳宿,旅馆房间;容纳,提供,适应;调解,妥协;贷款 | |
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84 consignment [kənˈsaɪnmənt] 第9级 | |
n.寄售;发货;委托;交运货物 | |
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85 rue [ru:] 第10级 | |
n.懊悔,芸香,后悔;v.后悔,悲伤,懊悔 | |
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86 melancholy [ˈmelənkəli] 第8级 | |
n.忧郁,愁思;adj.令人感伤(沮丧)的,忧郁的 | |
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87 tarnish [ˈtɑ:nɪʃ] 第10级 | |
n.晦暗,污点;vt.使失去光泽;玷污 | |
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88 dissuasive [dɪ'sweɪsɪv] 第9级 | |
劝戒的 | |
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89 kinsman [ˈkɪnzmən] 第11级 | |
n.男亲属 | |
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90 bent [bent] 第7级 | |
n.爱好,癖好;adj.弯的;决心的,一心的;v.(使)弯曲,屈身(bend的过去式和过去分词) | |
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91 consolation [ˌkɒnsəˈleɪʃn] 第10级 | |
n.安慰,慰问 | |
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92 remonstrates [rɪˈmɔnˌstreɪts] 第10级 | |
v.抗议( remonstrate的第三人称单数 );告诫 | |
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93 quiescence [kwɪ'esns] 第10级 | |
n.静止 | |
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94 erect [ɪˈrekt] 第7级 | |
vt.树立,建立,使竖立;vi.直立;勃起;adj.直立的,垂直的 | |
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95 shrubs [ʃrʌbz] 第7级 | |
灌木( shrub的名词复数 ) | |
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96 gravel [ˈgrævl] 第7级 | |
n.砂跞;砂砾层;结石 | |
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97 crunch [krʌntʃ] 第9级 | |
n.关键时刻;艰难局面;vt.发出碎裂声;vt.压碎;嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼;扎扎地踏过 | |
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98 sanctuary [ˈsæŋktʃuəri] 第9级 | |
n.圣所,圣堂,寺庙;禁猎区,保护区 | |
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99 oratory [ˈɒrətri] 第12级 | |
n.演讲术;词藻华丽的言辞 | |
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100 apprehension [ˌæprɪˈhenʃn] 第7级 | |
n.理解,领悟;逮捕,拘捕;忧虑 | |
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101 constraint [kənˈstreɪnt] 第7级 | |
n.(on)约束,限制;限制(或约束)性的事物 | |
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102 glibly [ɡlɪblɪ] 第10级 | |
adv.流利地,流畅地;满口 | |
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103 chid [tʃɪd] 第10级 | |
v.责骂,责备( chide的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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104 amazement [əˈmeɪzmənt] 第8级 | |
n.惊奇,惊讶 | |
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105 yearning ['jə:niŋ] 第9级 | |
a.渴望的;向往的;怀念的 | |
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106 solace [ˈsɒləs] 第9级 | |
n.安慰;vt.使快乐;安慰(物),缓和 | |
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107 evaded [iˈveidid] 第7级 | |
逃避( evade的过去式和过去分词 ); 避开; 回避; 想不出 | |
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