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Even Tertius, that most perverse of men, was always subdued in the long-run: events had been obstinate, but still Rosamond would have said now, as she did before her marriage, that she never gave up what she had set her mind on.


The hard and contemptuous words which had fallen from her husband in his anger had deeply offended that vanity which he had at first called into active enjoyment; and what she regarded as his perverse way of looking at things, kept up a secret repulsion, which made her receive all his tenderness as a poor substitute for the happiness he had failed to give her.


"I have really sometimes been a perverse fellow," he went on, "but I will never again, if I can help it, do or say what you would disapprove.


At this moment she felt angry with the perverse Sir James.


Nay, perverse as it seemed, she doubted whether she might not have felt less, had she been less attended to.


Intractable, contrary, perverse, unpredictable, unemotional and detached.


At the time, Conservative MP Priti Patel called the decision "disgraceful" and "perverse.


Given these features, reliance on market competition to drive this sector is almost sure to lead to perverse results.


Cardinal Elio Sgreccia called it a "controversial, perverse decision to say the least.


In the US, for example, there has always been a debate about the problem of perverse incentives, when buyers of protection can make money from the demise of a company.

伊索寓言:The Ass carrying the Image

The driver, seeing him thus stop, laid his whip lustily about his shoulders and said: "O you perverse dull-head!

伊索寓言:The Ass and his Driver

" The perverse generally come to harm.

格林童话英文版:Maid Maleen

When it was finished, he said, therein shall you be imprisoned for seven years, and then I will come and see if your perverse spirit is broken.

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