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"No; I prefer that there should be no interval left for wavering.


In this brief interval of calm, Lydgate, remembering that he had often been stormy in his hours of perturbation, and mindful of the pain Rosamond had had to bear, was carefully gentle towards her; but he, too, had lost some of his old spirit, and he still felt it necessary to refer to an economical change in their way of living as a matter of course, trying to reconcile her to it gradually, and repressing his anger when she answered by wishing that he would go to live in London.


But he waited till the tray was gone, the candles were lit, and the evening quiet might be counted on: the interval had left time for repelled tenderness to return into the old course.


Brooke always ended by agreeing with Ladislaw, who still appeared to him a sort of Burke with a leaven of Shelley; but after an interval the wisdom of his own methods reasserted itself, and he was again drawn into using them with much hopefulness.


The "Pioneer" had been secretly bought even before Will Ladislaw's arrival, the expected opportunity having offered itself in the readiness of the proprietor to part with a valuable property which did not pay; and in the interval since Mr.


I trust I may be excused for desiring an interval of complete freedom from such distractions as have been hitherto inevitable, and especially from guests whose desultory vivacity makes their presence a fatigue.


Permanent rebellion, the disorder of a life without some loving reverent resolve, was not possible to her; but she was now in an interval when the very force of her nature heightened its confusion.


There was a longish interval.


During this patting and thumping interval a train thundered by.


Between tea and supper there is an interval even in the most greedily regulated families.


He looped the painter through a ring in his landing-stage, climbed up into his hole above, and after a short interval reappeared staggering under a fat, wicker luncheon-basket.


In that interval the plan was completed, and as soon as she came again, her agreement was demanded; but instead of the gay acquiescence expected by Isabella, Catherine looked grave, was very sorry, but could not go.

迷人四月天:Chapter 19

Why, there was his friend, the sweet-named lady—but how had she not in this short interval changed!


In a lucid interval, Huck feebly led up to the subject of taverns, and finally asked—dimly dreading the worst—if anything had been discovered at the Temperance Tavern since he had been ill.


It's the interval that kills, my son.

Advice to a Young Man 给一位青年的忠告

It's the interval that kills, my son.

万物简史 第17期:如何营造一个宇宙(9)

After another ludicrously brief interval it was joined by electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces—the stuff of physics.


We have a nap ( interval ) after lunch in hot season.


It's usually a 10-year interval before the tech is released for commercial use, he said.


The solution just might be in-office interval training.

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