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"That has generally been observed in men of great administrative capacity, I believe,—a tendency to predominance of the reflective powers in me!


Administrative departments must determine acts of bad faith on the basis of legally binding documents.


Under Guan Zhong,Qi shifted administrative responsibilities from hereditary aristocrats to professional bureaucrats.


More than 40% of respondents now consider "work"—including the administrative tasks required of employees in big corporations—as a barrier to good thinking.


The Swedish group, which employs 160,000 people, said the jobs would go over the next couple of years, and would mainly affect administrative staff in central support functions across the 30 countries where it operates.

世界银行报告显示 中国营商环境得到大幅改善

" China's reforms in areas including cutting administrative red-tape earned the country a spot in this year's top 10 global improvers, according to the report.

世行报告称中国营商环境大幅改善 较去年提升30多位

Registering Property was made easier by streamlining administrative procedures and by increasing the reliability and transparency of the land administration system.


,,(administrative supervision),(violate administrative discipline),.


or so, shift focus for the easier, more administrative tasks–nothing intensely detailed or mentally taxing.


However, these rules only applied to all the administrative institutes, with many institutions of higher learning have much shorter holidays.


, Women will be the biggest losers as their jobs are often concentrated in low-growth or declining areas such as sales and office and administrative roles, the report said.

胡闹! 美国警察掷硬币决定是否抓人!

The two were initially put on administrative leave amid the investigation.


The Metropolitan University was the most prestigious institution of higher learning but also the highest administrative organization of education in China.


That's because once it establishes itself on even one machine inside an enterprise network, Petya will spread by stealing Windows administrative passwords and using standard Windows network-administration tools to install itself on every Windows machine it can.


At least 17 provinces in China have ordered that logos must be spray-painted on government administrative vehicles.


Environmental law heavily intertwined with administrative law.


" First, fragmentation between administrative regions, fiscal investments, medical insurance payouts and personnel management will be healed, while more diversified forms of medical partnerships will be encouraged.


The report provided in-depth observations on 28 Chinese business and administrative capitals-excluding Beijing and Shanghai-using several indicators.


Yunnan will introduce 22 measures to clean up the local tourism industry, the provincial tourism administrative authority said last Monday.

为改善空气质量 哈尔滨禁烧冥币

In addition, Harbin is an industrial center and the biggest city in Heilongjiang, with about a quarter of the province's population living within the city's administrative limits.

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