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Heathcliff, quietly; leaving us as we had been prior to his advent.


' "Hindley hurried up from his paradise on the hearth, and seizing one of us by the collar, and the other by the arm, hurled both into the back-kitchen; where, Joseph asseverated, 'owd Nick' would fetch us as sure as we were living: and, so comforted, we each sought a separate nook to await his advent.


" he soliloquised in an undertone of peevish displeasure, while relieving me of my horse: looking, meantime, in my face so sourly that I charitably conjectured he must have need of divine aid to digest his dinner, and his pious ejaculation had no reference to my unexpected advent.


The pleasure of having Lucy to look at, and the prospect of the afternoon visit to Garum Firs, where she would hear uncle Pullet's musical box, had been marred as early as eleven o'clock by the advent of the hair-dresser from St Ogg's, who had spoken in the severest terms of the condition in which he had found her hair, holding up one jagged lock after another and saying, "See here!


Indeed, I am encouraged to consider your advent to this town as a gracious indication that a more manifest blessing is now to be awarded to my efforts, which have hitherto been much withstood.


"I, for my part, hail the advent of Mr.

英语世界文摘:Five Reasons to Explore Mars

The advent of space tourism will broaden human horizons in the same way international travel has exposed people to other lands and perspectives.

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Flaws they would previously have ignored have, since the advent of social media, plagued them.


" Vegan offerings have surged in popularity in recent years, with Greggs making headlines most recently for the advent of its vegan sausage roll.


With the advent of college, I was brought to grips with the problem of earning a living.


He claims space advertising is inevitable, and compared the reactions "Orbital Display" has been getting to people's reactions to TV ads at the advent of television.


The Danish also countdown to Christmas using Advent wreaths.


As is often the case with labor-saving devices, the advent of her word processor played out in unpredictable ways — making secretarial work easier for a time.


The Dutch transport minister, Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, said the law was needed because the advent of social media and unlimited mobile data had changed how people used smartphones and the time they spent on them.


But with the advent of social media, says Ethan Kross, professor of psychology at the University of Michigan who studies the impact of Facebook on our wellbeing, "envy is being taken to an extreme".


As a consequence, explanations of the observed phenomenon remained speculative and interest waned with the advent of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to achieve mass agricultural production.

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Get a gym membership Your busy days are about to start and it's the advent of a sedentary lifestyle.


Previous generations never needed to consider this, but the advent of the internet and social media has given this question more importance.


"With the advent of social media, and thus the increased availability of and access to alternative partners, understanding how people avoid the temptation posed by alternative partners may be more relevant than ever to understanding relationships," added Dr McNulty.


Another private equity group Advent had expressed interest but dropped out of the race after realising the challenges of bringing an "old and tired" brand back to its former glory, a person familiar with the decision said.

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