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The advent of 5G could accelerate development of digital services.


adolescents declined during that decade, but did not decline faster after the advent of e-cigarettes in the U.


They were the most expressive form of artistic representation of things in pictures from the invention of block printing in China to the advent of modern printing,and are still popular among the people.


The tie-up with Volvo underscores how the advent of self-driving cars is rapidly changing the industry, forcing tech start-ups and traditional carmakers to decide whether to work together or compete.


Men who had witnessed his advent, noted that he was weak and tottery, and that he staggered over to a heap of cabin-logs and sat down.


The advent of nontraditional philanthropic vehicles seems to be drawing new interest from veteran education officials.


With the advent of college, I was brought to grips with the problem of earning a living.


The advent of smart thermostats such as Nest, for example, means plumbing and heating companies now need IT skills since a system breakdown may have as much to do with a broadband connection as with the pipes or the boiler.


In the middle of the Ming,with the advent of purple clay tea ware,focus was not limited to the color contrast of tea liquor and tea ware,but switched to the fragrance and taste of tea.


" Designed in conjunction with a marketing agency, the emojis will also feature in an online advent calendar available in 13 languages - including Chinese, Arabic and Hindi.


Many have described the advent of digital reading as the biggest revolution since Gutenberg.


The advent of the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe forced astronomers to realize that the first stars must have had no metals at all; those are known as Population III.


Originating during the Shang Dynasty (about 17th - 11th century BC), Spring Festival, which celebrates family reunion, is full of rich and colorful activities, and hopes with the advent of spring and flowers blossoming.


David Cameron is among those who argue that the advent of the internet should not upset that apparent balance between security and privacy.


With the advent of low-tech diets like raw food, whole food and Paleo, the foundation has become increasingly visible, providing a central resource on topics like raw milk, biodynamic agriculture and the health benefits of animal fats.


Research shows, for example, that the amount of leisure reading hasn't changed with the advent of the digital age.


The advent of computer graphics in the 1980s brought more standardized, low-res icons: "You only had 16 colors that you could put on the graphic," says Mike Nelson, a Denver meteorologist who worked for a company called ColorGraphics Weather Systems.


Now with the advent of wearable technology, such as Google Glass, how will our heads and faces evolve in 20,000 years, 60,000 years and even 100,000 years from now?


: In the old days, pupils' homework was late because it was eaten by the dog or accidentally stuck in the washing machine--but that was before the advent of the internet.


The advent of high-tech medical imaging, however, has given researchers a new glimpse into the human body that reveals that not only is brown fat present in adults, but that it also is metabolically active.

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