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"You clutter up your room entirely too much with out-of-doors stuff, Anne.


When I clear the mental clutter and focus on the present, I'm instantly reminded of how blessed I am.


Professional organizer Dorothy Breininger uses a 5-point "clutter scale" to gauge whether or not an item belongs in the home: 5 – non-negotiable items that must be there, 4 – items that are difficult to replace or that you use daily, 3 – items used occasionally but not within last six months, 2 – items rarely used but you're hesitant to discard, 1 – items never used, seasonal, specialized tools, etc.


You don't know where to begin Sometimes you can feel like you're in too deep when it comes to clutter.


They litter the ground at our feet; we just have to stop walking so fast, pause in our everyday lives, and bend down to inspect the clutter so we can pluck out the most viable options.


And while you might sleep in the dark, creeping light from streetlamps, and clutter from an untidy room could all add up to a night of insomnia.


And you'll reduce the clutter in your home or work space.

双语美文:十二个问题 你幸福吗

Do I have too much clutter?


You might find yourself with a sky high pile of dishes and mountains of clutter everywhere you turn if you're not careful.

Windows 7操作系统:微软的巅峰之作

It removes a lot of clutter.


"everything needs to be organized, labeled, and free of clutter.


"everything needs to be organized, labeled, and free of clutter.

研究显示 神经质的人每天花更多时间做家务

Julia Rohrer, of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, led the research on how different personality types spend their time, which concludes that neurotic individuals may just be more negatively affected by clutter.


When I clear the mental clutter and focus on the present, I'm instantly reminded of how blessed I am.


Other great outlets include exercising and organizing your clutter.


Set up a new email filter, organize your paperwork, clean the clutter off your desk, or something along those lines.


Between the annihilating fierceness of personal ambition and those who clutter its path, there is only one possible mediator, and that is love.


Do I have too much clutter?


City officials, who have referred to Bluegogoas a "rogue" company, were worried that the company would dump tens of thousands of bikes that would clutter public sidewalks.


These have been designed to be recognisable as Nokia devices and "take the clutter away", HMD said.

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