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" thinks young elasticity.


For some reason or other, Fred had none of his usual elasticity under this stroke of ill-fortune: he was simply aware that he had only fifty pounds, that there was no chance of his getting any more at present, and that the bill for a hundred and sixty would be presented in five days.


" The general attended her himself to the street-door, saying everything gallant as they went downstairs, admiring the elasticity of her walk, which corresponded exactly with the spirit of her dancing, and making her one of the most graceful bows she had ever beheld, when they parted.


'It exacerbates natural processes that occur from our mid-thirties, damaging collagen and elastin and leading to reduced skin elasticity, twrinkles and sagging.


" People should make sure their diet is rich in foods like avocado as its high levels of vitamin E provides skin with increased collagen synthesis and elasticity.


It has skin-like elasticity and good biocompatibility, and can help prevent multidrug-resistant bacterial infection.

神奇! 这种动物的便便竟然是方形的!

In wombats, the faeces changed from a liquid-like state into a solid state in the last 25% of the intestines -- but then in the final 8% a varied elasticity of the walls meant the poop would take shape as separated cubes.

时尚双语:神奇“自愈”橡胶 玩具自我修复成可能

The material would be an asset to industry and might even help shed light on the physics of elasticity, wrote Philippe Cordier and colleagues at the Industrial Physics and Chemistry Higher Educational Institution in Paris.


According to Medical News Today, some people may be more genetically predisposed to a double chin if there's a history of skin elasticity in their family.


"Our products have been tested in clinical tests, showing significant results within 28 days of use, with improved skin firmness and elasticity as well as reduction of wrinkle depth and volume," says the brand's co-founder Dr Elisabet Hagert.


Nicotine causes narrowing of the blood vessels in the outermost layers of the skin, while the chemicals in tobacco smoke damage collagen and elastin, fibres which give the skin its elasticity.


It is believed that smartphone and laptop use, could cause facial skin and muscle to lose its elasticity as people spend an increasing amount of time sat with their heads bent.


" Collagen is a protein that gives skin its strength and elasticity.


"This repeated folding of the neck skin leads to premature wrinkles and a loss of elasticity there, known as 'tech neck,'" says Zeichner - one more reason why dermatologists stress the importance of using a neck cream that has retinol or peptides twice a day to keep skin taut.


" While normal cosmetics can mask imperfections on the skin, the new coating changes the way skin behaves by giving it the elasticity of young skin.


"This repeated folding of the neck skin leads to premature wrinkles and a loss of elasticity there, known as 'tech neck,'" says Zeichner - one more reason why dermatologists stress the importance of using a neck cream that has retinol or peptides twice a day to keep skin taut.


Nicotinamide can improve the overall structure, moisture and elasticity of skin and, therefore, could potentially alter the disease processes associated with eczema, according to the study.


"I think it's the non-stretchy nature of jeans that might be the problem," Kimber said, noting that tight pants with more elasticity wouldn't be as dangerous since they wouldn't squeeze nerves and muscles.


Although apparently rigid, bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to withstand considerable impact.


So your skin will lose elasticity, even wrinkles will be caused due to hydropenia.

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