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" said Wakem, getting white, and beginning to tremble under an enraged sense of impotence before Philip's calm defiance and concentration of purpose.


Vincy had sworn that if he had anything more of that sort to put up with, Fred should turn out and get his living how he could; and he had never yet quite recovered his good-humored tone to his son, who had especially enraged him by saying at this stage of things that he did not want to be a clergyman, and would rather not "go on with that.


Enraged with almost everybody in the world but himself, he set out the next day for the abbey, where his performances have been seen.


You wouldn't be so enraged if you didn't.


Stalling was so enraged that he could not speak for a moment or two and in that moment Abel had disappeared in the woods.

旅游英语:壶口瀑布 Hukou Waterfalls

Like thousands of tumbling dragons or enraged animals that have just been set free, the yellow water plunged down, the pounding against the stones echoes like thunder.


Known as the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or Thaad, the platform has enraged Beijing, which claims it can be used to spy on its own military developments.


My mother was enraged that my auntie would give me such a large amount of money.


But despite such mod-cons, many netizens are enraged, describing the capsule as a glorified coffin and the landlord as unscrupulous.


" They begin to argue, and the ticket collector become more and more enraged and finally, as the bus is passing over London bridge, he grabs the Scotsman's suitcase, and hurls it out of the bus.


The executive was so enraged that he had a hard time keeping from attacking the driver of the VW.


Bulls are enraged by the colour red It is a proven fact that bulls only see blues and yellow.


Cao was enraged and he had Cai Mao and Zhang Yun executed.


The Little Shepherd There was once a shepherd boy no bigger than a mite and as mean as could be On his way out to pasture one day, he passed a poultry dealer carrying a basket of eggs on her head So what did he do but throw a stone into the basket and break every single egg Enraged, the poor woman screamed a curse: "You shall get no bigger until you've found lovely Bargaglina of the three singing apples!


Grabbing his pistol,the enraged man went to awaken the professor and dragged him to the deaf man's house.


Enraged, the monkey screamed, "Get out of here!


" Enraged by the response,the farmer was tempted to fire him on the spot.

一千零一夜:Noureddin and the Fair Persian

Scheih Ibrahim, still more enraged, then went out to fetch a stick.


Her enraged husband repeatedly asked the two men: "Do you have a kid?

伊索寓言:The Bear and the Gardener

The silly Bear finally became so enraged that he threw a heavy stone upon it.

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